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Nike NFL Jerseys China has led to a backlog in cases.With not enough judges









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發表於 2017-12-16 22:33:39 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The conditions under which Judges and Magistrates are working have attracted some attention again.APNU’s MP, James BondThis time, one Member of Parliament (MP) is asking government for a time frame when the two will no longer have the headache of recording the proceedings.The issue has been a longstanding one blamed on causing further delays in the court system, which over time,NFL Jerseys China, has led to a backlog in cases.With not enough judges, the situation has been a worrying one for policy makers.Under the current arrangements, both Magistrates and Judges have to manually take notes of proceedings. There are no stenographers or recorders available.It is not an unusual sight to see lawyer in mid-stride asking a question,Wholesale China Jerseys, being interrupted by a Judge or Magistrate,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys China, who would ask for the statement or question to be repeated.It is a tedious exercise and experts have been nailing it as a major bottleneck of the court system.Member of Parliament,Wholesale Stitched Jerseys, James Bond, of A Partnership For National Unity (APNU), for this Thursday’s sitting of the National Assembly,Cheap NHL Jerseys Online, has signaled his intentions to ask a number of questions on the matter.“Could the Hon. Minister inform this House when will the arduous task of copious note-taking by our Judges and Magistrates be replaced by stenographers and/or voice compilation equipment?” he asked in the questions directed to Minister of Legal Affairs, Attorney General, Anil Nandlall.In addition to taking notes, courts in the city are in a noisy place, competing with the passing vehicles outside despite warnings that no horns can be honked.There are no microphones and speakers and it is literally a strain to hear,Cheap Wholelsale NFL jerseys, especially if one is seated in the visitors’ gallery.Bond is also asking whether Judges and Magistrates will be assigned Research Clerks. This too has been a sore issue with the two being forced to conduct their own research of cases…another delay.In his third question, Bond wants to know whether the courts will be sealed. “Could the Hon. Minister inform this House which of our courts are sound-proof and which ones will be made sound-proof?”

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