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[Wii] Sale NFL Jerseys welfare









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發表於 2017-12-16 23:34:41 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Two children from the Paediatric Ward at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) received donations of $50,000 each from the Radio Needy Children’s Fund (RNCF) yesterday.A nurse attending to Rehanna Edwin yesterday at the hospital.Three-year-old Jasmine Joseph of Isseneru, Region Seven and Rehanna Edwin, 4, of Monkey Mountain, Region Eight,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, were the lucky recipients.Little Jasmine was playing in her family’s yard on December 27 last, when she was attacked and dragged into nearby bushes by a large feline suspected to be a puma.Luckily,MLB Jerseys From China, the animal was killed by residents and Jasmine was rescued and air-dashed to the GPHC where she remains a patient.Rehanna,Wholesale Jerseys Authentic, meanwhile, was hospitalised at the institution in an unconscious state since last Sunday. She has been diagnosed with brain cancer.The money that was donated to her will be used to pay for a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. The MRI will determine the stage of the cancer and its severity.According to Michael Gordon, Chairman of RNCF, the donation was made to Jasmine after members from his organization saw her heart-breaking story in the newspaper.“When we made the donation to Jasmine, we were approached by Rehanna’s mother and she told us about her daughter’s brain cancer and we decided to step in,” Gordon explained.Jasmine’s grandmother, Agatha Joseph, thanked the RNCF for the donation.Cybil Edwin, Rehanna’s mother, was also very pleased with the contribution given to her.“I thank you very much for this donation. I cannot pay for this by myself. I am facing a lot of difficulties and I cannot help myself and my daughter,” the woman lamented.The RNCF was established in 1954 and has been serving the needy,Jerseys Cheap Wholesale, especially children,Wholesale Jerseys China, around the country in the areas of education, welfare,Wholesale Jerseys From China, health and social events.From left; chairman of RNCF Michael Gordon, Treasurer Doris Lewis, Jasmine Joseph and her grandmother along with members from the GPHC.

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