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發表於 2017-12-17 01:12:52 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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B--They're trying to figure out which member of the power couple has the better hair,China Jerseys Free Shipping.
Why is Katy Perry the halftime act?
A--The NFL tells them in advance what the score will be.
C--We would have won easily, but there was something wrong with the balls.
A--It's not that big of a deal. This isn't ISIS, after all.
A--She appeals to the NFL's leering middle-aged male demographic.
B--OK, so I'm now officially a three-time loser. But Gisele is waiting for me outside the locker room, so who really is the loser here?
C--Roger Goodell's first choice, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, is booked on Sundays.
PHOENIX (AP) — By now, even the most casual fan has learned that Marshawn Lynch is interesting only because he refuses to say anything.
C--Marshawn Lynch calls often to talk.

But do you really know everything you need to know about this Super Bowl,NFL Jerseys Wholesale? Here's a pop quiz to keep next to the chips and dip on game day:
B--Goodell, because at $44 million a year he has to have something to do.
What will be NBC's defining moment Sunday?
A--Cris Collinsworth will throw his headphones down and storm out of the booth in disgust after a receiver runs a bad route.
A--They want to know if she dresses him for media interviews.
Who is in charge of inflating footballs?
B--Makes him feel like he's in Beast Mode.
A--Pushing the button that closes the roof at the University of Phoenix stadium,Cheap China Jerseys.
B--They have inside information on the PSI of the game balls,China NFL Jerseys.
B-What part of Beast Mode don't you understand?
A--Belichick, who does it orally, hence the perpetually pained look on his face.
B--The ball boy for the Patriots will get more airtime than New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie at a Cowboys game.
What will Tom Brady say if he loses his third straight Super Bowl,Cheap NFL Jerseys China?
Why are the Vegas bookies always so spot on with the point spread of the game?
C-You mad, Bro?
C--Johnny Weir and Tara Lipinski will trade outfits before filing reports from inside the team locker rooms.
A--He's trying to establish some street cred.
C--Because after looking at sweaty football players since September, why not?
C--Any involving Victoria Secret models.
C--Brady's wife, model Gisele Bundchen, will tweet out blame for everyone but hubby for the underinflated footballs.
What will Marshawn Lynch have to say after the big game?
C--Making sure TMZ has its credential for the game.
B--The one with strong dogs,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, cute horses and beer that will make you want to cry some more.
Which commercial will people be talking about at the office Monday morning?
A--Idina Menzel will flub lines while singing the national anthem.
Why are people so interested in Brady's wife?
C--Some locker room guy so if there's any problem the NFL can throw him under the bus.
A--The one with cute dogs, strong horses and beer that will make you want to cry.
A--I just played because I didn't want to get fined.
Richard Sherman? He talks all the time and provides far more insight to the Super Bowl than Tom Brady, who figures to spend the game trying his best to avoid throwing to him.
B--Al Michaels will admit that he really doesn't believe in miracles.
Goodell makes $44 million a year, though it's uncertain most of the time what he really does. What are his responsibilities for the biggest NFL game of the year?
C--Much of the $500,000 fine for Spygate came from his clothing fund.
Why does Bill Belichick wear a hoodie?
B--Turning off the power if it looks like the game is getting out of hand.
B--The Rolling Stones aren't allowed out past 5 p.m.
What will be the best proposition bet on the game?

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