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發表於 2017-12-17 01:25:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– UGSS supportive of workers plight but wants resumption of classesWorkers of the University of Guyana (UG) are set to further intensify strike action today. Last week the unionsUGSSA President,Dr. Mellissa Ifillrepresenting them announced plans for a three-day intensified strike action which commenced on Monday and was slated to conclude yesterday.But according to President of the University of Guyana Senior Staff Association (UGSSA), Dr. Mellissa Ifill, yesterday, “we will continue to strike for the foreseeable future.”This is in light of the fact that there has been no resolution regarding the reason for the on-going strike action. The strike was the result of a breakdown of negotiations between the University’s negotiating team and the unions relating to improved salaries and other benefits.Moreover,Wholesale NFL Store, Dr. Ifill said that workers will continue to strike until a “decent proposal” is presented by the administration of the University. She however,Cheap NFL Jerseys, disclosed that workers will be willing to resume work even if a “decent proposal” is offered in the interim as negotiations continue.Continued strike action, according to the UGSSA President, will see workers congregating near the entrance of the University in order to express their concerns and solicit support from the public.Industrial action at the University had in fact commenced two weeks ago in the hope of prompting a resolution which is the sustained aim.According to Dr. Ifill, workers are continuing to support the cause although she admitted that there have been some lecturers who have not been engaged in the industrial protest action. She however, noted that while the Vice Chancellor of the University, Professor Jacob Opadeyi, has insisted that some 76 classes are being heldUGSS President,Joshua Griffithat the University, this is far from the truth. Currently, she disclosed that some 95 per cent of the workers are off the job but “the Vice Chancellor seems optimistic about the situation.”The unions – the UGSSA and the University of Guyana Workers Union (UGWU) – had proposed a 60 per cent across the board salary increase, among other benefits, for workers. However, the University has since proposed an immensely reduced hike amounting to five per cent this year, 10 per cent next year and 10 per cent payable the following year.But in order to strike a compromise,China Jerseys Cheap, the unions submitted a revised proposal which translates to a 25 per cent increase (per year) over a three-year period. However, the Vice Chancellor has not accepted this latest proposal, and has since withdrawn its offer and has even demanded that the workers return to work before the resumption of any negotiations.The unions have since written to President Donald Ramotar and the Ministry of Labour to intervene in the standoff.Meanwhile, students are feeling the brunt of the industrial action. While some are in favour of the workers’ strike,Jerseys NFL China, others have insisted that they are not supportive.But according to President of the University of Guyana Students Society (UGSS), Joshua Griffith, when asked yesterday to comment on the UGSS’s view of the on-going industrial action, “we are pro-students.” Griffith said that although the UGSS is not opposed to the workers protesting, it certainly must align itself with students who also have a right to be afforded scheduled lecture sessions.He noted that like the protesting workers,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, students also have many concerns with the state of the University and have been appealing for these to be addressed at the soonest possible time.Griffith pointed out that while some lecturers have been defying the protest action and have been ensuring that classes are held, “we still need to have all classes resumed…that’s our plight,NFL Jerseys Outlet, the students are affected because of the industrial action.”He noted that while the students could also protest their concerns “we recognise that we have to take our concerns to the administration so that they can be addressed at that level.”The UGSS President nevertheless insisted that students are cognisant of the fact that the workers have a legitimate right to engage in industrial action, even as he noted, “I’m sure if you ask any (UG) student they will tell you that they believe that the lecturers deserve an increase.”“All students do not necessarily support the action that is being taken but we understand their plight too,” said Griffith.Griffith in a letter to the staff of the University reassured, “the UGSS continues to acknowledge and support all (of) your efforts. We remain supporters of your cause. It is a just cause;” even as he pointed out, “we wish to advise staff not to take personally the negative comments by some students,Jerseys China, but to remain committed to the cause at hand.”However, Griffith noted that during this period the UGSS is focused on the concerns of students pointing out that efforts are currently being made to rally more student support for its ‘UG Revolution’ initiative, which is aimed at magnifying the pressure of all of its demands to be met.“We are not misled by the recent immediate attempts to cosmetically address our concerns. We remain steadfast in our stand to ensure sustainable improvements at the University of Guyana. We value our staff and appreciate your sacrifices – most unknown and untold to most,” added Griffith.

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