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[中一] Cheap NFL Jerseys China foster care –









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發表於 2017-12-17 01:44:26 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Research has found that more than 600 children in Guyana live in residential care institutions. A number of children living outside of institutions, lack safe and stable families to help them grow into healthy and productive adults,NFL Jerseys Supply, according to the Child Care and Protection Agency (CPA).The Ministry of Human Services and Social Security has declared November Foster Care Month during which there will be activities to raise the level of awareness of Foster Care as an alternative care option for children instead of institutional care.Foster care provides vulnerable children who lack positive family influences with the needed family based care. However,Cheap NFL Jerseys, CPA emphasizes that foster care will only be considered when all efforts to re-integrate the child with the family or the extended family fail.The CPA stresses that children belong in families, and they have a right to live with their own families and to be safe from harm and abuse.However, the Child Care and Protection Agency stated that the ideal is not always possible for various reasons and in an effort to ensure their safety, providing children in need of alternative care with a surrogate family – foster care – may well be the best alternative.It is reported that two million children worldwide benefit from protective environments through foster care, states CPA.Minister Priya Manickchand introduced formal foster care to Guyana in 2009. Currently there are 101 children with 57 foster parents in the programme according to the Child Care and Protection Agency.By the end of this month, CPA hopes to have many more persons coming forward to be foster parents,Cheap Jerseys, wanting to serve as positive role models for children and to provide them with appropriate love,Jerseys NFL Cheap, support,Wholesale China Jerseys, guidance and care.ChildLink,Cheap Jerseys USA, formerly EveryChild Guyana has helped CPA successfully find adequate homes for the most crucial of cases involving vulnerable children.

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