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發表於 2017-12-17 01:58:34 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Magistrate Faith Mc Gusty granted bail in the sum of $80,000 each to three Lima youths who stole one Jailing motorcycle and who also attempted to commit a felony on the same day. The charges were indictable.The trio, Delroy and Devon Romeo and Devan Moore, was charged with simple larceny and an attempt to commit a felony. They were, however, not allowed to enter a plea until the report was read to them summarily.According to a police report, between Saturday and Sunday last, at Bush Lot, Essequibo Coast, the trio broke and entered the garage of Ivan Yhum and stole a motorcycle.Also, on Sunday, January 18, the trio attempted to commit a felony on Haseed Hullah.Delroy Romeo was already before the court charged with having carnal knowledge of a girl under the age of 15.Devan Romeo is being represented by counsel Hemraij Raijkumar.The trio will next appear in court on Feburary 25.And a 13-year-old Cotton Field Secondary School student, who was earlier spared the trauma of being taken from his parents’ custody, was not so lucky yesterday when he appeared before Magistrate Faith Mc Gusty for another charge of break and enter and larceny, the offence that he had allegedly committed earlier.The teen was this time placed in the custody of the police until a probation report is presented to the court on February 18.The teen pleaded guilty to that charge.It is alleged that on January 16 last,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, at Richmond Village, Essequibo Coast, the teen broke and entered the home of Reshan Bacchus and stole half a gallon of kerosene, one item each of Carnation milk, knife, perfume, short pants, Vaseline, slippers, two tins of sweet corn and one sardine.When the teen was asked by the magistrate if indeed he had stolen the items, he replied by saying he only stole the sardine, milk, and kerosene.Counsel Sunil Scarce made representation on the child’s behalf.Then there was Linden Pitt, the construction worker who admitted to beating his reputed wife with a shoe and chasing her down the Anna Regina public road. He was fined $10,000 and placed on a one-year bond.Pitt told the court that he and his reputed wife were both involved in a fight on the day in question. However, the wife, Karen Jones, offered a more detailed explanation to the court.She said that she was physically hit on numerous occasions by her reputed husband, and because of the severity and prevalence, she chose to take action through the court.Pitt was ordered by Magistrate Mc Gusty to make a genuine apology to Jones, and the man complied and promised that there would be no repeat of the beatings.Finally, an Anna Regina young man who admitted to using narcotics was sentenced to two weeks of community work by Magistrate Faith Mc Gusty.Ryan Boodram, 21, was charged with having three grams of narcotics; he pleaded guilty.According to the police, on January 15 last, at Anna Regina, Boodram was searched by soldiers, and was detained after he was found with illicit substance in his pocket.Boodram told the court that on the day in question a friend gave him the illegal substance.

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