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– Starr Computers to giveaway one laptop dailyUnder the theme “Bridging the Gap, Transforming Guyana” the second building expo which is set to expose a rapidly growing demand for construction materials and constructional skills also has a technology aspect of the event on Friday.And persons attending the expo are set to benefit from daily giveaways of one laptop daily which will be available at Georgetown-based technology provider Starr Computers at its booth at the expo.Michael Mohan, President of Starr Computers, said that one of the main features would be the “Green PC” which is being engineered by the company. It can also be used for security,NFL Jerseys China, and is suited for clinics,NFL Jerseys Cheap, schools, community centers, homes and solar installations.He said that the “Green PC” is an energy efficient desktop computer designed for use where electrical supplies are limited or unreliable.Noting that the computer will be sold at $79,000,Discount Football Jerseys, Mohan said the computer has a high quality of components from leading manufacturers such as Intel and Samsung which guarantees optimum reliability in remote areasMohan said that everywhere in the world consumers want to be conservative and save their money and as such the “Green PC” can be used on 12 volts DC power, 120 volts AC and 240 volts AC. He said the entire system can be used on 28 watts which is less than the average bulb in a house.Adding that the computer has many other benefits,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, Mohan said the devices can be converted to a television,wholesale nfl jerseys, a stereo, surveillance equipment, DSL ready, WiFi ready,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, and modem ready, the computer also has eight USB ports with a 500 gigabyte hard drive and network ready.He also said that the cost of ownership is less expensive than a regular computer. “Many people do not realise that the amount of money they spend on energy consumption is high.”Other computer related equipment will also be available at the booth in the expo.The expo promises to be well planned and of international standards and not a single Guyanese who has some interest in building and construction,Jerseys NFL Cheap, whether they be homeowners or potential homeowners, carpenters, hardware companies, building and construction materials suppliers, banking and financial institutions, furniture companies, or service providers.

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