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發表於 2017-12-17 02:56:24 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Collins said this week's game may be an opportunity to show the depth of the secondary.
"If you have a young rookie like that,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, every snap he's going to get better,Cheap Jerseys 2018," Smith said.
Cornerback Desmond Trufant was limited after leaving last week's 23-20 overtime loss to Tampa Bay with a lower back injury,Wholesale Jerseys From China. Moore did not play in the game.
Defensive coordinator Richard Smith said the increased playing time has meant "everything" for the development of Collins, a second-round pick from Louisiana State.
Wide receiver Leonard Hankerson (hamstring) and center Mike Person (ankle) also did not practice on Wednesday. Hankerson has missed the last two games and Moore did not play against Tampa Bay,cheap jerseys.
The Falcons held out five players in Wednesday's practice,China Jerseys NFL, including three defensive starters: safety William Moore (groin), linebacker Justin Durant (calf) and cornerback Robert Alford (groin).
The 49ers on Wednesday officially announced Blaine Gabbert will replace Colin Kaepernick as the starting quarterback. San Francisco traded tight end Vernon Davis to Denver and placed running back Reggie Bush on the season-ending injured reserve list this week. Running backs Carlos Hyde and Mike Davis also are injured.
Rookie safety Robenson Therezie,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, who clinched the 10-7 win at Tennessee with an interception, had three tackles against Tampa Bay.
FLOWERY BRANCH, Ga. (AP) — The Atlanta Falcons could have as many as three new starters in their secondary against San Francisco on Sunday, perhaps lessening the defense's ability to take advantage of major changes on the 49ers' offense.
"It's definitely a big opportunity for me but a big opportunity for us as a secondary as a whole, just to show what we have," Collins said. "For the guys who didn't get as much time at the beginning of the season, it's a chance to show what we can do."
NOTES: Coach Dan Quinn laughed when asked about a report the 49ers, who played the Rams last week, waited to make the switch to Gabbert against Atlanta's "weaker" defense. "I have heard it and what I can say is we don't allow anyone else to help get us ready," Quinn said. "We'll be ready to go." He said he has used bulletin board material to motivate players but added "I think it's way more meaningful when you're playing for one another, not some quotes that are up on the wall."

Collins' 50 snaps against Tamp Bay were the most of any Atlanta cornerback. He made his first start two weeks ago when the Falcons opened with five defensive backs in a win at Tennessee.
The injuries created playing time for such backups as cornerbacks Jalen Collins, a rookie, and Phillip Adams. Kemal Ishmael had three tackles as the fill-in starter at safety.

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