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Wholesale Baseball Jerseys 2018 ” King asserted.In light of this









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– Royston KingUnregistered barber shops and hair dressing salons in the city will come under the scrutiny of the Mayor and City Council of Georgetown (M&CC), a move which will include Council taking action against road side operators.This disclosure was made by Public Relations Officer,Cheap Hockey Jerseys, Royston King, who revealed that the municipality “is calling on all barber shops and hairdressing salons to ensure that they are properly licensed to operate within the city.”According to King, this is a requirement with which all such operators must comply.Reports emanating from the Environmental Health Department of the municipality have indicated that many owners of barbershops and salons have not yet been sought to be duly registered for this year.This registration,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, according to King,Jerseys From China, is important to facilitate proper inspection and monitoring of the operating premises by public health inspectors.  The process of inspection, he said, includes visits to premises, inspection of tools and equipment used, inspection of sterilisation process of tools and equipment, inspection of building for general condition including ventilation,Wholesale Baseball Jerseys China, washrooms, water, sinks and other facilities used during the process of operation. In addition,Cheap NFL Jerseys, King disclosed that it is recommended that all hairdressers and barbers should be medically examined and licensed to operate in Georgetown.Worry developmentAt the moment, the Public Relations Officer noted that the Environmental Health Department is concerned about the increasing number of roadside barber shops, particularly in down town Georgetown.“This is unacceptable because it carries certain health risks to the general public,” King asserted.In light of this, he said that Council has plans to take action against roadside barbers, a process which will commence as early as June 1 next.  The Environmental Department, according to King will move against street barbering activities existing in different sections of the city.Additionally, he noted that the Department is urging citizens not to support such operations that could be found on pavement and other thoroughfares.“People who sit at these make-shift barber shops to get their hair styles are really taking a big risk because no one can say for sure that these unlicensed barbers are adhering to the health requirements.“These requirements including sterilising their tools used for barbering are safeguards against contagious head and other diseases,” King stressed.He noted that there is the problem of disposal of waste, mainly hair, generated from such operations.  King speculates that such waste is often swept into nearby streets and drains and by extension creates a problem for the city’s drainage system.“Generally,Wholesale Jerseys China, the situation is an unhealthy one which requires immediate attention. These shabby operations are also very unsightly as they stick out in certain sections of central commercial areas.”King noted that Council is calling for roadside barbers to desist from their unlawful activity. He added too that those who are desirous of operating a barber shop or hair dressing salon should make urgent contact with the Public Health Department of the municipality which is situated at South Road, Bourda, Georgetown.

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