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[本地音樂] Jerseys NFL Wholesale Or did he even have any time for that









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發表於 2017-12-17 05:52:40 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Schenectady, New York (Times Union) — The widow of bus mechanic Ganesh Ramgoolam, who was ambushed and gunned down on a city street in 2010, wept as she demanded answers from his killer and an accomplice about his final moments.“You intentionally executed him. I think of him falling to the floor. Did he yell? Did he cry? Or did he even have any time for that?” Uneesa Ally told Dhanashar “Tony” Persaud, who hung his head and teared up at Friday’s sentencing before Schenectady County Judge Karen Drago.He received 18 years to life behind bars as part of a negotiated plea for the February 20, 2010 shooting outside 935 Maple Avenue that prosecutors say marked a violent end to a feud between two groups of Guyanese.Prosecutors say Ramgoolam was at a party and got involved in a heated conversation on the phone between the Parbhudials and their perceived enemies. He and a friend drove to the Parbuhdial house only to be surrounded.Ramgoolam, who died at the scene, was felled by bullets from a .22 caliber gun Persaud fired as he stood in a driveway not far from where the shooting occurred on Maple Avenue.“You left him dead on the cold ground, face down. Why? You have destroyed so many lives because of your ignorant actions,” said Ally, 26.She recalled how her 24-year-old husband had promised her they would grow old together. Their two young children will never know their father whom she described as a “beautiful family-oriented person.”Then their two-year-old daughter Alyssa joined her mother at the front of the courtroom.As Ally held her, she asked the girl “Where’s Daddy?” to which the toddler,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, in a tiny voice, replied “I don’t know why Daddy is in the air.” Her brother,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Shaun, who is 16-months old, sat on one side of the gallery with Ramgoolam’s family and friends.Three of Persaud’s accomplices, siblings Vishan “Anthony” Parbhudial, 23, and 21-year-old Angelene Parbhudial,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, 21,Cheap NFL Jerseys, who are his cousins and her boyfriend, Richard Baliraj, 21, of Queens were sentenced separately Friday before Visiting Judge Polly Hoye.Baliraj received 10 years because prosecutors say he fired one round from his AK-47 assault rifle that missed the victim while Vishan and Angelene Parbhudial were sentenced to seven and five years respectively. He had a shotgun but never pulled the trigger and she was armed with a bat, prosecutors said.The defendants’ varying sentences for gang assault were based on the threat level they posed to the victim. On Friday, everyone except Angelene Parbhudial apologised and expressed regret to the family.Before Persaud learned his fate, the victim’s mother, Roopmanie Girdharry recounted her pain since her son was killed.“I have a hole in my heart that will never heal, they take away everything from me,Wholesale NBA Jerseys China,” Girdharry said.Judges Drago and Hoye both rejected a request by defense attorneys to delete references in their client’s pre-sentence report linking the murder to the shooting of two city cops that were part of a tactical team that executed a search warrant at a home of the suspected shooters a day after the homicide.Chief Assistant District Attorney Phillip Mueller had countered that the two crimes are linked and the judges agreed.Persaud, 27, who had in February pleaded guilty to second-degree murder, expressed remorse and said he regretted killing Ramgoolam.“When I thought I was doing the right thing, I was only making a bad decision,” he said, adding he hopes others don’t make the same mistake he did. “My actions caused a lot of hurt.”Drago described the Parbhudial family as “dysfunctional” and expanded on Ally’s remarks about the ignorance of the plotters.“Not only was it ignorant, it was absolutely barbaric, a shootout on a city street, laying in wait and then to corner him off to make sure you get the job done,” she said .The four defendants were ordered to share in paying back the $4,400 funeral cost and will be on probation for several years after they are released from prison. They also face deportation to their native country of Guyana and in Baliraj’s case, Trinidad and Tobago because they are not U.S. citizens.Another Parbhudial sibling, Adrian, 25, was convicted of numerous criminal charges, the most serious of which was attempted aggravated murder for shooting the two cops. He is slated to be sentenced later this month and faces a minimum sentence of 20 years to life in prison.Earlier this month, his mother Omawattie Parbhudial pleaded guilty to hindering prosecution. The woman, who was in court Friday and sobbed loudly during the sentencing, has until June to either pay $5,000 restitution or serve a year in jail,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, said prosecutors.

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