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Cheap NFL Jerseys control or knowledge of any single item.”Further









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發表於 2017-12-17 09:34:06 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Businessman,  Seekumar Rambarran, who has been under police radar for some time now, was hauled before City Magistrate Ann McLennan on Monday, after being busted with narcotics, an illegal gun and ammunition.Seekumar RambarranRambarran, a former pest controller at the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GUYSUCO) of 805 Crabwood Creek, Corentyne Berbice is accused of having a shotgun in his possession on September 18,Authentic Adidas Hockey Jerseys China, last, when he was not the holder of a firearm licence.It was further alleged that on September 18 also, he had 51 live rounds of 12 gauge ammunition in his possession, when he had no firearm licence.The third charge alleged that on the same day,Wholesale Jerseys Authentic, Rambarran had 26 grams of cocaine in his possession for the purpose of trafficking.And finally, the businessman was accused of having 36 grams of cannabis in his possession, also for the purpose of trafficking.Rambarran pleaded not guilty to all four charges after they were read to him in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court. He was remanded to prison after the Magistrate ruled that no special reasons were brought forth by his attorney, James Bond.The defendant is scheduled to make his next court appearance on October 5, in the Springlands Magistrate’s Court.In highlighting special reasons to the court,wholesale nfl jerseys, Attorney Bond told the court that his client is a very sickly man. He argued that the illegal items were not found in his client’s possession.Bond continued, “The items found by the police – my client had no custody, control or knowledge of any single item.”Further, Bond urged the police to be truthful. He claimed that the items mentioned in the charge were found some 200 feet away from his client’s home – in an empty lot infested with bushes.As Bond continued to present special reasons, he explained that Rambarran and his wife were both arrested and dragged to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID),NFL Jerseys China, Eve Leary,China Jerseys Cheap, where they were interrogated. He argued that the police subsequently released Rambarran’s wife by some ‘special logic’; after they decided she had no custody of the narcotics, ammo and gun.Furthermore, the lawyer attested that Rambarran never provided the police with an oral or written confession.Attorney Bond told the Magistrate, “I am urging this court to grant my client bail in a reasonable sum”.He pointed out that his client was forced to sell “sweetie and cigarettes” because he cannot be sustained by pension.However, Police Prosecutor, Corporal Deniro Jones objected to the defendant being granted pre-trial liberty. In doing so, Jones provided the court with reasons to uphold his request.Firstly, the prosecutor presented the facts of the matter to the court. Jones explained that ranks at CID, after receiving certain information went on a two-week sting operation, where they placed Rambarran under surveillance.He added that after the ranks gathered sufficient information,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, they entered the defendant’s home and saw him throwing away something in white containers.Jones disclosed that the police retrieved the containers and found the narcotics inside.Prosecutor Jones related that the gun and ammunition were found in Rambarran’s garden. Jones said that the defendant offered the police a bribe of $1M, to not institute charges against him.But Attorney Bond, after hearing the allegation rose immediately to his client’s defence.Bond confidently told the court that Rambarran never offered to bribe the police. He informed that on his visit to CID headquarters, the police never indicated such to him.Magistrate McLennan after listening to submissions from both parties remanded Rambarran to prison after she found that there were no special reasons to support Bond’s case.

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