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[遊戲] Cheap NFL Jerseys China support for human rights and fundamental freedoms









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發表於 2017-12-17 09:35:01 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Chief-of-Staff of the Guyana Defence Force, Commodore Gary Best, has charged graduates of the Guyana Defence Force Basic Recruit Course to keep Guyana safe and to protect the country’s national values and interests.The recruit course at the Colonel John Clarke Military School at Tacama, on the Berbice River, which concluded on June 26, yielded 195 graduates.Delivering the feature address at the closing ceremony,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, Commodore Best told the graduates that their ultimate mission is to keep Guyana safe from any threat to her borders, and safe from any threats to the peace and stability.“Do not allow yourselves to be misled to commit civil offences. Do not let mischievous persons advise you to betray the trust we put in you. Protect our weapons, protect your units, protect your fellow soldiers…in defence of our country,” Commodore Best charged.During his address, the Chief-of-Staff pointed out that the values of Guyanese are based on a system of governance that promotes broad-based participation in national decision making.He added that the development of harmonious communities based on democratic values,Undefeated Air Max 97 For Sale, social justice, fundamental human rights and the rule of law are all guided by those values.“Our national interests, on the other hand, include the sacredness of our frontier and territorial integrity,China NFL Jerseys, the peaceful settlement of disputes with other states,Cheap NFL Jerseys, support for human rights and fundamental freedoms, rapid economic development and poverty alleviation,wholesale jerseys, and the realization of a cohesive multi-racial society where decision making involves every sector,” he said.A GDF press release stated that Commodore Best exhorted the new soldiers to take particular care to be patriotic,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, dedicated and professional in the execution of their duties, and to remember that as soldiers they are subject to both military and civil laws.He also urged the graduates to uphold their personal integrity as well as that of the Force.According to the press release, the Chief-of-Staff also called on the new soldiers to take advantage of the academic education programmes offered by the Guyana Defence Force.He said that the Force was committed to helping those who will serve Guyana in this regard, and that the various programmes offered provide an opportunity for soldiers to complete their secondary education and progress even to university. During the course there were several outstanding performances. Prizes were awarded to 21268 Recruit Gavin Semple and 21203 Recruit Kweasi Abrams of Fourth Platoon who were adjudged Best Student and Runner-up respectively.21110 Woman Recruit F. Fraser and 21193 Recruit Kevin Dickie were adjudged to have displayed the Best Military Knowledge and Best Fitness respectively. The graduate who was adjudged the Best Drill was 21150 Recruit Eon Moore of First Platoon, while Best Shot went to 21084 Recruit Winall Hector of Second Platoon.Among those witnessing the graduation exercise were Commanding Officer, GDF Training Corps, Lt Col Enoch Gaskin; United States of America Military Liaison Officer, Lt Col Steve Stanley; and Lt Col Zetto of the US Marines.

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