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發表於 2017-12-17 12:54:09 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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President Bharrat Jagdeo,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, who holds the portfolio of Minister of Information, has intervened and consequently caused the Board of Directors of National Communications Network (NCN) to rescind its decision to suspend Mohamed “Fuzzy” Sattaur.Mohamed As a result of Jagdeo’s intervention,Jerseys NFL Cheap, Board Chairman Prem Misir yesterday afternoon,MLB Jerseys From China, by way of a letter,Cheap Jerseys Free, informed Sattaur that his suspension was being rescinded and that he should now ignore the letter issued to him on May 12, last.Sattaur was Tuesday suspended,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, for “insubordination,China Jerseys Cheap,” given his refusal to carry out a decision made by the Board of Directors. Sattaur had vowed to challenge the Board’s decision to suspend him as CEO.He had reportedly resisted the efforts of the board to re-hire radio producer Mazrul Bacchus, whom he had fired two years ago.A source said that the Board had suggested that Bacchus continue the programme Indian Melody Hour that was hosted by the now dead Ayube Khan. Bacchus had deputized for Khan before and was therefore thought to be a worthy replacement.Sattaur refused. However, while this was not the reason for the suspension, it was just a nail in the coffin. The source said that Sattaur was openly disrespectful to members of the Board, actually coming to the brink of a fight with Board member Kwame McCoy at a recent meeting before walking out and informing the chairman that he could not fire him because President Jagdeo appointed him.Sattaur and the Board started to have disagreement since the Board Chairman was Dr Nanda Kishore Gopual. It continued in January following the death of veteran broadcaster Ayube Hamid.The Board had intended to fill the void left with the death of Hamid, by hiring Bacchus. But Sattaur had resisted those efforts since January.The NCN executive has had several disagreements with the Board and sources indicate that on one occasion he had verbal confrontations with officials working in President Jagdeo’s Press and Public Affairs Division.Sattaur had reportedly held the view that the Board should not intervene in the hiring and firing of staff at NCN.The CEO is also known to raise the ire of staff members,jerseys from china, who expressed disapproval about his style of management.

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