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發表於 2017-12-17 14:25:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Guyana Fire Service (GFS) on Monday gradated 93 males and females, after they successfully completed three months of intense training, at theHome Affairs Minister Clement Rohee inspecting new recruits.service’s newly constructed training complex at Leonora, West Coast Demerara.The young recruits were exposed to both theoretical and practical skills throughout their training. Some of the areas covered were the organisation’s structure and the Standing Orders of the service, discipline, fire service equipment and their operations, fire behaviour and discipline and other practical aspects.Station Officer, Clive McDonald, noted that much emphasis was placed on the fire fighting skills and capability of fire fighters, thus, enabling them to save lives and minimise losses due to destruction by fire.He said that one of the major challenges encountered was the recruits’ ability to comprehend fundamental principles,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, associated with the operations of the Fire Service. He however, explained that with much dedication and help from the staff,Cheap NFL Jerseys co, they all endeavoured to strive for excellence. During an address to the recruits, Minister of Home Affairs,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Clement Rohee, said that this event was historic, in that, it marked the graduation ceremony for the first set of recruits to receive training, under the Fire Service Training Facility.A new recruit receives a trophy from Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee.He urged the recruits therefore to exercise discipline, commitment, dedication, honesty and courage,Cheap Jerseys USA, as they execute their duties. Minister Rohee also charged them to work hard and be proficient in their skills and abilities as these are necessary for the execution of their daily duties.Meanwhile, Fire Chief Marlon Gentle mentioned the importance of training, even as the fire service is moving assiduously,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, to take its place as the premier emergency response service in Guyana. “I say to you the recruits, that your task is a noble one and your functions are simple … first to save lives and then to protect property from destruction by fires,’ Gentle told the recruits.  He also cautioned them about the many criticisms that may come their way on a daily basis,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, and urged them to use those to propel them to do their best at all times.He said that the facility surpassed its expectations, noting that initially it was only able to accommodate 60 persons at any one time and yet it successfully accommodated 93 students,Wholesale Jerseys China, which is quite significant.Awards were also presented for the Most Improved Student, Celborne Rodney; Best Practical Knowledge Student, Kawise Rice; Best Drill Student, Roderick Hamilton;  Best Runner- up Student, Grace Paul; and Best Student, Trevor Fraser.

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