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發表於 2017-12-17 14:49:05 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Coleman was suspended Thursday after his arrest for investigation of vehicular assault and hit-and-run. Police officers in the Seattle suburb of Bellevue said they arrested him because he left the scene of the two-car accident.
Seattle coach Pete Carroll said it would be done as soon as possible, although the move was not listed on the league's official transactions report Monday. Once the suspension is lifted, Coleman could play Thursday night against San Francisco, but Carroll said the fullback has yet to be examined by team doctors following his involvement in the crash.
"We did see him. We've also seen the videotapes of his meetings with the police, and so we feel like we are doing the right thing right now, obviously,China Stitched NFL Jerseys," Carroll said.
Steve Hayne, one of Coleman's lawyers,Cheap Jerseys Online, has said Coleman was "in shock" and didn't flee or go far from the scene.
RENTON, Wash. (AP) — The Seattle Seahawks said Monday they are lifting the suspension of fullback Derrick Coleman that was imposed after he was arrested following a car crash.
Coleman's agents said in a statement that "it seems Derrick may have fallen asleep while driving home from a Seahawks' facility."
Coleman was released from jail on Friday and King County prosecutors said they would wait until an investigation is complete before deciding whether to file criminal charges,Wholesale Hockey Jerseys China.
Witnesses said Coleman's truck was speeding through a 35 mph zone when it rear-ended a Honda Civic, said Bellevue Police Chief Steve Mylett. After Coleman was helped from his vehicle,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, witnesses said, he left.
Officers found Coleman two blocks from the crash within 10 minutes based on the descriptions from witnesses. Coleman reported no injuries, while the driver of the other vehicle was taken to a hospital with serious,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, non-life-threatening injuries.
Coleman is legally deaf and his football success has made him an inspirational figure,Cheap Jerseys From China. He has been featured in TV commercials and has written a book that was released this year.
Carroll said Coleman would have to be cleared by team doctors before the team even considers playing him against the 49ers.

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