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發表於 2017-12-17 17:01:02 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Ruckus ensued, yesterday, as the Main Street office of the Guyana Power and Light Incorporated,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, (GPL) was plunged into darkness for several hours.Workers attempting to restore the plummeted poles on Lamaha Street yesterday.Customers visiting the company began to complain, after GPL met with an extended power failure.Kaieteur News understands that scores of persons visiting the GPL office, yesterday, to conduct business,China NFL Jerseys, were unable to do so, given “the blackout”.This newspaper learnt of the situation after a frustrated costumer contacted the publication via telephone.“What is most inexcusable is that in situations like these,Wholesale China Jerseys, Guyana’s main source of electrical energy does not have a backup generator,Cheap Jerseys USA,” the angry customer speculated.When, Kaieteur News visited the GPL’s Main Street office, it was still in darkness. A few persons were standing in the yard,Cheap NFL Jerseys, while a handful of GPL employees chose to sit in the security hut, in wait of the return of power supply.This newspaper was told that while many customers went away as they were told that business could not be transacted in a dark building, some persons left the premises out of frustration.“Imagine I come here fuh pay me light bill and do me business and GPL ain’t got light. De cashier cyan see fuh do nothing. I deh here since morning.“Dem had a long long line in deh. We had to come outside and wait cause nobody can’t see fuh do nothing I got fuh do my business cause GPL dem does always ready fuh yuh.”Several essential corporate entities, including the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation, (GPHC) experienced the power outage as well.GPL Main Street OfficeSeveral sections of the city were without power for a lengthy period.This newspaper subsequently learnt that the source of the power cut to be the “collapse” of two main utility poles situated along, Lamaha Street, Georgetown.When this newspaper visited Lamaha Street, workers were attempting to restore the fallen poles,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, which were dangerously leaning on electrical wires.Kaieteur News learnt that a bulldozer clearing in a nearby field “uprooted the two lamp posts.”“In order that we rectify the problem,China Jerseys Cheap, we had to turn off the main causing a disruption of service,” one worker explained.To acquire further clarification, into the issue, this newspaper contacted GPL’s public relations office.When asked whether GPL business office has alternative power source (backup generator) in case of emergencies, a representative of the company, could not comment but promised to return a call with the necessary information.However, when this never materialized, Kaieteur News again contacted the lighting authority, this time all calls went unanswered.

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