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[Wii] China Jerseys Special Education Department









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發表於 2017-12-17 18:33:21 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Guyana joined the rest of the world yesterday in celebrating World Literacy Day under the theme ‘Literacy and Peace’. While the country has achieved Universal Primary Education, still a large number of students are leaving the primary level without performing at internationally acceptable standards.Karen Hall, National Co-ordinator, Special Education Department, demonstrating to students how to play a literacy gameTo combat this challenge in the system,Authentic Jerseys For Sale, the Ministry of Education is creating new programmes and redesigning the pre-primary curriculum to foster a strong foundation, Deputy Chief Education Officer (Development), Bibi Ali stated.Ali noted that at the nursery level the Ministry has implemented the Innovative Learning Practices and shared reading,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, while at the primary level there is the literacy hour.She emphasized that to ensure more is accomplished at the pre-primary level, the redesigning of the pre-primary curriculum will ensure that toddlers can read during their second year. This foundation will see them integrating at a faster rate at the primary level.However, the current enrollment rate of pre-primary level education in Guyana is 85 percent.Ali made those comments at the Ministry’s ‘Reading Tent’ activity held in observation of World Literacy Day, at the Ministry of Education Sports Complex, Carifesta Avenue. The event attracted the participation of key literacy stakeholders including the National Library,Cheap Jerseys From China, the Georgetown Reading and Research Centre, Volunteer Services Overseas, and the Ministry’s Special Education Department.Besides the exhibition of books in the various tents, students, teachers and parents were exposed to games and other materials that will contribute towards making reading, learning and teaching fun.One of the most interesting booths was the Special Education Corner,NFL Jerseys China, where on display was a variety of games used to teach persons with special needs. It also showcased reading material on several mental disorders.According to Karen Hall, National Co-ordinator, Special Education Department,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, the division focuses on persons with lifelong special needs. For example, the department helps persons who are born with mental disorders. In addition, it also trains teachers who interact with children in need of special education.The department has been in operation for two years, so assessing its success rate is too soon,Cheap Jerseys, Hall stated. However, it has a plan to have deaf children write the National Grade Two Assessment. Hall added that already some children who are visually impaired or blind write some national exams. It was also highlighted that without the help of volunteers, many schools in remote areas would not have been able to access certain courses.The Volunteer Services Overseas booth captured the vital works of volunteers within the education system.According to Deborah Jack, Programme Manager, the Volunteer Services Overseas plays a key role in coordinating local volunteers through Youth Challenge Guyana. She pointed out that volunteers help to build the human resources capacity of teachers as well as teach students.

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