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Cheap Jerseys provided by the Economic Partnership Agreement









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Credentials for Plenipotentiary Representative (Designate) of Austria to the Caribbean Community (CARICOM),cheap jerseys nfl wholesale, Thomas Schuller-Gotzburg were accepted by the Acting Secretary-General of CARICOM,Wholesale Adidas Hockey Jerseys, Ambassador Lolita Applewhaite at a simple ceremony at the CARICOM Secretariat Headquarters Turkeyen, East Coast Demerara on Friday.The Austrian envoy said the relations between Austria and the Caribbean region have seen economic development since Austria’s presidency of the European Union (EU) and the hosting of the fourth EU/Latin America/Caribbean summit in Guyana in May 2006.The diplomat further said Guyana has one of the seats of the United Nations, hosting one of the organisations with great importance for the Caribbean Region.“I would like to reiterate that Austria is ready to support financially the opening of the Caribbean representation in Guyana,” Ambassador Schuller-Gotzburg said.According to Ambassador Applewhaite, the appointment marks just over ten years of cooperation between the Caribbean Community and Austria characterised by the kind of meaningful people-to-people encounters that not only build friendships between countries and civilisations,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply, but also nurture development.She said a significant contribution in the area of human development and training has been the provision of scholarships by the Government of Austria to candidates of CARICOM Member States, and of the CARICOM Secretariat, in the fields of Hotel and Tourism Management, and Diplomatic Training amongst others. Human development and training constitute an important bridge between our two peoples and a key component of our cooperation, she stressed.Ambassador Applewhaite further said Austria’s response in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake that struck CARICOM Member State, Haiti, in January 2010,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, resonates at a human level with CARICOM and its People.She further said that the Government of Austria’s contribution to the overall relief efforts bilaterally,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, through the European Union and through the International Federation of Red Cross (IFRC) and the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs of the United Nations (UNOCHA), is warmly appreciated.Adding that CARICOM for its part has been pleased to support Austria in the international arena, especially in relation to the issue of candidatures, Ambassador Applewhaite said at its Twenty-Ninth Meeting held in Antigua and Barbuda in July 2008, the Conference of Heads of the Community unanimously committed to support Austria’s candidacy for a non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council for the period 2009-2010.She explained that the trade and economic relations between CARICOM and Austria have also been growing at a significant pace, albeit in Austria’s favour, and noted that it is important that the Caribbean Community also benefit from these trade and economic ties.“Your country could contribute significantly to increasing the Region’s production capacity by investing in joint ventures with small and medium sized firms. Austrian technology,Air Max 97 Undefeated For Sale, as well as management and training capabilities could ultimately be a catalyst for CARICOM’s increased productivity in order to be able to take advantage of the opportunities and access to your market and the wider European market, provided by the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA).”

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