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Cheap Adidas Hockey Jerseys 000 fine on each charge









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發表於 2017-12-17 21:20:52 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Malaysian National Kenching Anakbesi was yesterday fined $100,000 by Magistrate Ann McLennan when he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.Anakbesi,NFL Jerseys 2018, 41, admitted that between December 24,Authentic Jerseys Cheap, 2014 and February 19, 2015 at Georgetown he conspired with a person or persons unknown to forge the date of a Guyana employment visa on page 17,Wholesale China NFL Jerseys, of his Malaysian passport, purporting to show that same was issued from the Central Immigration and Passport Office.Anakbesi also admitted that on February 19, at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) Timehri, with the intent to defraud, he uttered to woman police constable 21364 Watson his Malaysian passport in favour of himself with the forged date on the Guyana employment visa on page 17 of his passport,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, purporting to show that same was issued from the Central Immigration and Passport Office.Prosecutor Deniro Jones, prosecuting the facts on the first charge, stated that Anakbesi is the holder of a Malaysian passport. He said that on June 24, 2014,cheap nfl jerseys, the defendant came to Guyana via the CJIA and was granted a three months stay by the Immigration Department.Jones further stated that the accused applied for a work permit employment visa to work at the Barama Company and the same was granted to him until November 31, 2014.The prosecutor’s facts on the second charge stated that on February 19, the defendant was an outgoing passenger at the CJIA,NFL Jerseys China, when he presented his passport to the Immigration Officer. It was observed that the date was forged. The man was told of the offence, arrested and taken to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) where he was questioned and admitted to the offence.Anakbesi’s lawyer, Paul Fung-A-Fat begged the Magistrate not to jail his client. He said that he is a surveyor at Barama and has a wife and four children. Counsel told the court that Anakbesi is very frail and does not know any martial arts to defend himself in prison. He further added that because of the language barrier the Guyanese boys will take advantage of him if he goes to prison.Anakbesi was granted $50,000 fine on each charge; if he fails to pay it will result in him being imprisoned for three months.

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