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發表於 2017-12-17 22:26:15 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Some 30 companies recently joined the fight against HIV/AIDS through the Government of Guyana/International Labour Organisation/United States Department of Labour (GOG/ILO/USDOL) HIV/AIDS workplace programme.According to National Project Coordinator Sean Wilson, the programme, which was first initiated in 2003, was fortunate enough to receive its largest funding tranche this year from the President Bush’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).The funding, he said, amounted to US$400,000 which has since allowed for the expansion of the workplace programme.In 2003, funding amounting to US$397,999 was made available through the United States Department of Labour for the commencement and execution of the programme until 2005. In the ensuing years, funding was afforded by the PEPFAR initiative, which saw 2006 attracting US$150,000, and last year a total of US$350,000 was afforded.Wilson pointed out that, with the increased funding this year and through collaboration with a number of partnering organisations, “More persons in more organisations are more aware of the facts about HIV/AIDS.”He said that, with its tripartite partners, including the Ministry of Labour, the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG), the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC), and the Consultative Association of Guyanese Industries, significant expansion of the programme has been realised.“They have got components of the work that they are doing. For example,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, the trade unions have workers that they represent, so some of the targets that we have to reach as a whole for the project they are working to achieve those…”Wilson disclosed that the Labour Ministry, through its Inspectorate Unit,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, has been able to do a lot of work also during inspection activities.According to the Coordinator, efforts are made by the ministry to establish whether companies that are being inspected have a HIV/AIDS policy.Wilson disclosed that the ministry has been instrumental in getting about 13 companies signed on to the programme.Another 10 have also been included in the programme through the efforts of FITUG, and the GTUC is expected to bring on board about eight additional companies shortly, even as more companies are targeted in this regard, Wilson outlined.And while it is important for companies to be able to develop individual workplace policies,Cheap China Jerseys, Wilson said, it is his hope that companies can have programmes integrated in their workplaces, so that when funding stops they can still be sustained.In a few weeks’ time, it is anticipated that the Labour Ministry will be launching a National Workplace Policy, which would be the minimum standard for workplaces’ response to HIV in the workplace, Wilson said.“We have supported that as well as our tripartite members…One of the key reasons for this is to ensure that workplaces that do not have a programme would buy into this…”With the introduction of the national policy, Wilson said, the bar for the response for HIV in the workplace will be raised considerably.The expansion of the HIV/AIDS education programme, Wilson noted, has also resulted in more persons desiring to know their status.“Leading up to the National Week of Testing, we did quite a bit of sensitisation in several workplaces. For example, with GuySuCo,Wholesale China Jerseys, over 500 workers from four estates volunteered to be tested. We also had other companies, like the Guyana Power and Light Company, Digicel, and the Guyana Revenue Authority, among others. In total, there were over 1,000 persons who volunteered to be tested,” Wilson disclosed.And even though the national policy has not yet been implemented,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Wilson pointed out,Wholesale China Jerseys, there has not been a single company that has signed on to the workplace HIV/AIDS programme that does not aptly follow the guidelines stated in their policies.“For the most part,Wholesale Jerseys China, I cannot think of a company that is collaborating with us that we have heard is violating its HIV policy. We have been encouraging workers and companies to adhere, and I think the good thing is that the policy was established in collaboration with workers and there was union involvement, and there was respect on all sides as regards to the policy, so that people are willing to adhere to the guidelines set out,” Wilson asserted.

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