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WELDAAD, WEST COAST BERBICE – Division ‘B’ of the Guyana Police Force has embarked on a drive to ensure that all ranks are computer literate.This is according to Assistant Commissioner Clinton Conway, who heads Division ‘B’ of the Guyana Police Force.Police in West Berbice are now better equipped after receiving three fully loaded computer systems from overseas-based Guyanese Aubrey Bailey.Mr. Bailey expressed satisfaction with the job being done by ranks in West Berbice,Cheap Jerseys Store, and as such promised to help in whatever way he can.The presentation was done during a dinner at the Weldaad Police Station recently, during an event that formed part of the activities to mark the 169th anniversary of the Guyana Police Force.At the function, the Assistant Commissioner said that the contribution would go a far in ensuring all ranks are computer literate.“The Guyana Police Force has embarked on a programme with the British Government to modernize the police force. The British Government is soon to provide computers as well as training for ranks, including those in Berbice. The use of information technology is one of the approaches identified.”Commissioner of Police (ag.) Henry Greene is heading the reform. Recently he mandated all commanders to ensure that each rank in their charge is computer literate.The three computers were placed at the Weldaad and Fort Wellington Police Stations on the West Coast of Berbice, and the Blairmont Police Station on the West Bank of Berbice.“Our ranks there have already started using the computers. Not all of the ranks have been trained, but there is a programme to ensure that we ensure that each rank, from constables,Cheap NFL Jerseys, subordinate officers,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, inspectors and officers, is trained.”Some of the ranks would undergo training in Berbice while others would be trained at the soon to be established Guyana Police Force Computer Centre at the Felix Austin Police College at Eve Leary,Cheap NFL jerseys China, Georgetown.In Berbice, there are police stations at Weldaad, Fort Wellington, Blairmont,Wholesale China Jerseys, New Amsterdam, Sisters Village, Mara, Reliance, Albion, Whim,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, Mibicuri, Number Fifty-One, Springlands, Moleson Creek and Orealla. There are also outposts at Rose Hall, Lewis Manor and Number Sixty-Two.

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