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發表於 2017-12-17 23:44:06 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Gurley has been ramping up activity with the first-string offense, rehabbing from left knee surgery last fall for Georgia. He didn't hedge when asked for a percentage about his health and readiness.

"Yeah, nothing is really easy in this league," Foles said. "It's just something that making sure that everybody's on the same page."
Tavon Austin had 40 yards on four carries and starter Tre Mason had 26 yards on seven carries.
Offensive coordinator Frank Cignetti said only that Gurley looked better than last week.
He wouldn't comment when a reporter relayed Steelers coach Mike Tomlin's request to know whether Gurley would be in the lineup,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, saying "You guys just have him give me a call."
Coach Jeff Fisher wouldn't tip his hand, saying only that Gurley looked good in practice and that he'd see how he looks after the team's day off Thursday.
The plus: he still has no interceptions.
ST. LOUIS (AP) — Rams rookie running back Todd Gurley says he'll be ready to go if asked.
"Yeah,Cheap Jerseys China, I would," the first-round pick said after practice Wednesday.
"I think we just didn't get into a rhythm and that's on me,Jerseys NFL Cheap," Foles said. "I've got to make sure to get some easy completions here and there."
Cignetti said he didn't think Foles took a step backward. He also said there was "not a lot to fix" on the offense, adding "There's things we'd like to fix."
Foles seemed antsy in the pocket and had plenty of misfires at Washington, and said the offense just never got in synch. He was 17 for 32 for 150 yards and one touchdown with no interceptions.
"We just have to be dialed in,NFL Jerseys China," Foles said. "We've got to really go out there and hone in this week."
Guard Rodger Saffold said he wasn't certain but added, "I'm going to say that yes, I'm going to see him."
"Todd's a talented guy, we all know what he did in college,Wholesale Authentic NHL Jerseys," Foles said. "He's been looking good moving around — great vision and just a real smooth runner."
Notes: The Rams listed two players on their injury report. Backup end Eugene Sims and special teamer Chase Reynolds are out for the second straight week with knee injuries. ... Rams Hall of Famers Jack Youngblood and Tom Mack watched practice. ... Fisher said WR Brian Quick, coming off shoulder surgery, is getting closer to playing shape. Quick hasn't yet made the game day roster. "It's like anybody that missed a significant part of the offseason program and was limited in training camp, you're going to be a little bit behind," Fisher said.
The Rams were 2 for 12 on third down, half of them third-and-10 or longer, and held the ball for just 22 minutes, 16 seconds.
"Of course, I'm going to say 10. You can't have me saying I'm '7' on TV," the running back said. "I definitely feel like myself."
Getting the 10th overall pick on the field for the first time would no doubt ease quarterback Nick Foles' work load,NFL Jerseys Wholesale. The Rams were held to 67 yards on 13 carries and 213 total yards in their 24-10 loss at Washington.
"I'm kind of just going with the flow, taking it one day at a time and not looking too far ahead," Gurley added. "But I feel good, I feel good."

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