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發表於 2017-12-17 23:49:09 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"Yeah, man, I wake up hyped," Gurley said. "I've just got to prepare and just stay focused and calm, not get too over-excited."
This week,NFL Jerseys Cheap, things are more promising for Gurley, the 10th pick in the 2015 draft.
Backup Tre Mason also missed the opener with a hamstring injury, and Benny Cunningham got the start, contributing 45 yards rushing and 77 yards receiving.
Fisher said Mason, the primary starter last year as a rookie, also got work with the starters Tuesday.
Gurley had 911 yards rushing and nine touchdowns in six games for Georgia, averaging 7.4 yards per carry. He had 18 100-yard games, including a career-best 208 yards against Tennessee last year, and scored 44 touchdowns — second in school history behind Herschel Walker's 52.
Quick had 25 catches with a 15-yard average in seven games last year, all but one of them starts. He wants to be out there but understands the process.
Notes: CB Trumaine Johnson (concussion) participated in stretching and individual drills, a positive sign for this week, but won't be cleared until later in the week. ... The Rams are experimenting with the practice week schedule, taking Thursday off instead of Tuesday the first two weeks. Fisher said a team study indicated players might be fresher for game day. "The players are good with it," Fisher said. "They loved the schedule last week; they felt fresh going into the game and had a lot of energy."
Wide receiver Brian Quick is still rounding into form after career-threatening shoulder surgery. It was a bit of a surprise that he did not make the active roster for the opener.
Conditioning might be more of a factor than familiarity with the offense.
Gurley,Wholesale Jerseys 2018, rehabbing from left knee surgery, took snaps with the first-string offense for the first time on Tuesday, and coach Jeff Fisher wouldn't rule out the running back for this week at Washington.
"I've got to work my way in slowly because I missed a lot of football," Quick said. "There can't be any ifs."
"It's almost that time," Gurley said. "It's getting closer. So, I'm excited about that."
"We'll see how he does," Fisher said. "But this is a medical decision,Hockey Jerseys 2018 Cheap, a trainers' decision,Cheap Soccer Jerseys For Sale, a collective decision."
Watching from the sideline made him want to speed the process.
Gurley missed the team's opening 34-31 overtime win over the Seahawks,China Jerseys.
"I'm not concerned about him knowing what to do whatsoever,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply," Fisher said. "He knows what to do."
"He's just going to have to be patient," Fisher said. "He's coming, he's missed a lot of time."
Gurley has been steadily increasing activity coming off left knee surgery that cut short his final college season at Georgia.

ST. LOUIS (AP) — For Week 1, Jeff Fisher ruled out rookie running back Todd Gurley more than a week in advance.
Gurley was the first running back drafted in the first round since 2012, even though he was injured. After making the selection, Fisher called Gurley the "running back of our future."

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