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Cheap NFL Jerseys Bro. Robert John









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發表於 2017-12-18 00:07:11 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– pledges that the Palms will be improvedThe Ministry of Social Protection yesterday ushered in the 2015 observance of “Month of the Elderly” at the Palms Geriatric Institution.The occasion was one that saw strong commitments from the Minister of Social Protection,Cheap Jerseys From China Online, Volda Lawrence, who pledged that Government is committed to ensuring a better life for the elderly.The State-run home for the elderly, hosted a church service for residents to begin its series of activities planned for October.  Also joining the residents for the event was Minister within the Ministry of Social Protection, Simona Broomes.Extending well wishes for health and strength, Minister Lawrence assured residents that “Government intends to fulfill its promise to all Guyanese for a good life and that includes you.“Government would like to build a modern facility for you, and while there is no financing available now to do so,Wholesale Jerseys, we are still holding it on the agenda.”She added,Cheap Football Jerseys, “I know there are many issues plaguing the Palms, but I want you to know that we are not overlooking or side-steeping these issues. We are addressing some of the administrative issues and we will continuously work on the others.”As for the issue of staffing and improvement of the quality of service provided to residents, Lawrence said, “We are working to ensure that we have qualified persons in various positions that are required to take care of the elderly.So I want you to know that we are keeping you in mind and we have not forgotten you.”The Minister within the Ministry also recommitted to improving the conditions under which residents of the Palms live.She also urged them to improve their relations with each other, as love can replace the loneliness they may sometimes feel.Delivering the sermon at the church service, Pastor Avril Langford of First Assemblies Church of God, Wortmanville, encouraged the residents with a message of hope, perseverance,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, love, gratitude and the need for a close relationship with God.The residents were treated to songs and other renditions from the Messengers and Ras Camo’s steel pan.In return, a resident, Bro. Robert John,Wholesale Jerseys USA, paid tribute to the President and his Cabinet with a special song.The Month of the Elderly observance in Guyana stems from the 1990 United Nations General Assembly’s designation of October 1, as the International Day of Older Persons.Guyana hosts activities for the elderly throughout the month,NFL Jerseys China, and this year these activities will include tours to various parts of the country.

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