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China NFL Jerseys another business owner who was affected









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發表於 2017-12-18 00:09:57 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Four Bourda Market stallholders are counting their losses after burglars using “blow torches” cut their way into their stalls. The break-ins occurred between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning.Stall owner Mohamed Haniff and Mayor Hamilton Green yesterday morningBobby Singh from Roy’s Pharmacy told Kaieteur News that he got the call around 8:00hrs that the stall was broken into.  Singh said that the thieves however didn’t get into the stall since it was heavily secured with iron bars.Singh said that the security situation needs to be addressed urgently. He said that the market has no lights,Discount Football Jerseys, something that encourages criminality.Mohamed Haniff, who owns “Trini’s Grocery” said that this is the second break in for him. He said that the burglars managed to escape with cash and groceries valuing about $400,000. He too again said that the security aspect of the market needs urgent revamping. His business was attacked about three weeks ago by burglars.Jackie Ashby,Cheap NFL Jerseys, another business owner who was affected,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, said that the burglars escaped with cash and groceries. Ashby said this was the second break-in in about three weeks. The woman said that she got the call yesterday morning about 8:00hrs.According to Ashby,NFL Jerseys China, the thieves removed an undisclosed amount of cash from the stall along with other items.Surmintra Datt,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, who owns and operates “Daughters” groceries,Jerseys From China, was the hardest hit. The thieves managed to empty a number of shelves containing food items along with cash. Like all of the stall holders, this was not the first time thieves had targeted her business. The police have launched an investigation into the incident.Mayor Green visited the scene of the breakages yesterday and contended that the city constabulary needs the support of the police to effectively protect the markets.Stall Owner Jackie Ashby

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