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發表於 2017-12-18 00:34:18 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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OWINGS MILLS, Md. (AP) — The injury problems continue to pile up for the Baltimore Ravens during this pre-season,NFL Jerseys Sale, especially at cornerback.
While Harbaugh's not thrilled with all the injuries at cornerback, the coach said there could be a positive from it  — younger players are getting more opportunities.
Starting cornerback Jimmy Smith suffered a bruised chest in last Saturday's win over Dallas. Harbaugh said they're expecting Smith to play this weekend against the Redskins,Cheap Jerseys From China, but he didn't practice again on Tuesday.
Then, when asked if that meant Webb probably won't play in the pre-season, Harbaugh said: "Correct."
Also on Tuesday, tight end Owen Daniels remained out with leg issues (some swelling), and Harbaugh said they're just playing it safe with the 31-year old veteran, repeating that there's no injury there.

"He had an MRI; there was bruising in there," Harbaugh said. "There's a little bleeding from the lungs. He basically fell —  if you watch the play — from four feet, and he was up in the air leaning backwards about (four feet) off the ground, and then just feel straight on his back between the shoulder blades."
The coach said that he's been told it's not a serious situation, and Smith just needs a few days to rest and heal.
The Ravens have two more pre-season games left before they open the regular season on Sept. 7 at home against the Cincinnati Bengals. Harbaugh and his team would like a few victories, but more than anything, they'd probably want to avoid any more health issues.
Coach John Harbaugh confirmed Monday that starting cornerback Lardarius Webb, who last practiced July 25 due to back problems, won't play in the final two pre-season games. Webb will miss the entire exhibition season.
"I was hoping,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, but he won't play in this game," Harbaugh said of Saturday's match-up with Washington.
Asa Jackson was playing well at cornerback before injuring his right ankle on Aug. 10. Harbaugh said there's a chance Jackson could return against Washington,Sale NFL Jerseys.
"Asa has proven he can play; it's great that Chykie (Brown) is getting a lot of reps,Wholesale Baseball Jerseys 2018, and Chykie acquitted himself very well," Harbaugh said. "And we know that Jimmy can play, and Lardarius, when he gets back, can play. Maybe we're strengthening ourselves from the bottom up with all these reps."
"You never want to see anyone get hurt," wide receiver Torrey Smith said.
Harbaugh said on Tuesday that right tackle Jah Reid suffered a "head dinger" on Monday and that the team didn't know the extent of it,China Jersyes Cheap. He added that Reid's going through the concussion testing.

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