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[田徑] NFL Jerseys From China









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發表於 2017-12-18 01:28:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"I've watched a lot of film on Jarryd Hayne playing rugby. The things that excite me about Jarryd Hayne are the things that we've got to stay on, is when you get into those tighter quarters and seeing those little creases. That's where the improvement is."
Last year, he gave up his rugby career to chase a football dream as an undrafted free agent for San Francisco.

"I just wanted to come out, obviously, and do well and not make any mistakes," Hayne said. "That was probably the biggest thing."
Only recently did he take his first NFL hit in pads early on in training camp. Taking that to game speed can be a major adjustment.
Hayne has shown no signs that he underwent minor foot surgery when he went back home to Australia after the team's mandatory June minicamp,Wholesale Jerseys From China.
"Obviously, it was a huge step for me and even before the game I was pretty calm," Hayne said. "It was in the warmup when I found out I was going to be second string after (running back) Carlos (Hyde) had his first stint. So, that gave me a bit of a shocker like 'whoa' and put me into a bit of the deep end,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, but I was fine."
"I'm not as shocked that Jarryd was able to field punts and run or field kicks and run, or that Jarryd was able to see creases and take them and then get into the open field and a void. I've seen him do all those things," coach Jim Tomsula said Sunday.
Hayne spent the past nine years — from 2006-14 — with the Parramatta Eels of the Australian National Rugby League before giving up that career to chase a new, drastically different one across the globe.
The former Australian rugby league star broke open a 53-yard run early in the second quarter of a 23-10 loss at Houston on Saturday night. He had five carries for 63 yards,Wholesale MLB Jerseys 2018, a 33-yard kickoff return and a pair of punt returns totaling 24 yards.
Renowned for his acceleration and counter-attacking skills in rugby,NFL Jerseys China, Hayne has said he believes he has the ability to make it as either a punt returner or kick returner. He has worked extensively with running backs coach Tom Rathman to learn the system and his technique.
None of this means a thing when it comes to whether the 27-year-old rookie will make the 53-man roster out of training camp, which would still be a surprise. A spot on the practice squad has long seemed most likely, yet Hayne is certainly doing his part to make an impact.
"A lot of times offensively and defensively in the later part of the third and even into the fourth quarter,NFL Jerseys Authentic Cheap, we looked like popcorn," the coach said. "We were popping all over the place. Instead of one continuous pop,Cheap Jerseys, it was pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. You can't play at all that way. Everybody's got to be in unison."
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Even a day later, hype surrounded Jarryd Hayne's impressive first NFL action for the San Francisco 49ers.
"I just like to temper everything. We don't need to put undo expectations. It's unnecessary for me to put that on his plate right now," Tomsula said. "I just want him to stay focused on getting better. The guy's a world-class athlete. He played professional sports for seven, eight, nine years."
Another rookie, third-string quarterback Dylan Thompson, completed 4 of 6 passes for 15 yards with an interception. Tomsula said the Niners struggled to find continuity during that stretch.

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