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[中一] Wholesale NHL Jerseys









Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2017-12-18 01:33:56 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Bears need to get away from Soldier Field. But Foxborough isn't best place to get things right.
Winner here must be considered a title contender. Great coaching matchup.
Last thing Falcons need this season is to give up a home game.
Still not ready to abandon our faith in defending champions. Getting closer, though.
Jaguars stunned Browns last week, but won't do same to Dolphins.
Denver did beat the Chargers in the postseason last winter. Again, it was a tight game.
No. 9 Baltimore (plus 1 1-2) at No. 14 Cincinnati
PATRIOTS,Authentic Jerseys Cheap, 24-20
PACKERS, 33-30
COLTS, 26-19
No. 19 Chicago (plus 6) at No. 8 New England
BRONCOS, 30-20
Denver (No. 1 in AP Pro32) is a 7½-point favorite over No. 7 San Diego in the key AFC West matchup. The Broncos are just too much in synch for the Chargers right now.
There is one opponent that gets Peyton Manning and company a bit unsettled, though, and that's who they take on Thursday night when the San Diego Chargers come visiting.
The Denver Broncos fear no one in the AFC, nor should they given their recent record.
BROWNS, 30-20
CHIEFS, 23-16
Browns gagged big time in Jacksonville. Could they really fall to another tailender?
It's not that we're jumping on Cowboys' bandwagon, but ...
No. 15 Miami (minus 5 1-2) at No. 30 Jacksonville
TEXANS,Wholesale Jerseys From China, 22-20
No,NFL Jerseys Outlet. 3 Philadelphia (plus 2 1-2) at No. 5 Arizona
No. 16 Buffalo (plus 3) at No. 29 New York Jets
But the Chargers come off a mediocre performance. They had won five in a row before they struggled defensively last Sunday in a loss to Kansas City, which rushed for 154 yards, the most allowed by the Chargers this season.
No star quarterback for opposing team this week, so ...
Packers are rolling and are unafraid of road trips.
No. 12 Seattle (minus 4 1-2) at No. 18 Carolina
"Our last game was not our best performance," defensive coordinator John Pagano said. "We've got to go out and communicate and play the call."
Colts are best team east of Denver right now,2018 Nike Air Max 97.
No. 25 (tie) Minnesota (plus 3) at No,Cheap Jerseys. 31 Tampa Bay
LIONS, 23-10
No,Cheap NFL Jerseys co. 22 Houston (minus 1) at No. 28 Tennessee
San Diego has won four of its past five regular-season trips to Denver and has kept Manning's offense under 21 points in three straight meetings.
No. 32 Oakland (plus 7) at No. 20 Cleveland
A pair of teams that make too many critical mistakes. Texans make fewer here.
No. 27 Washington (plus 9) at No. 2 Dallas, Monday night
Love how Ravens are playing. Hate how Bengals are playing.
No. 10 Detroit (minus 4) vs. No. 25 (tie) Atlanta at London
No. 6 Green Bay (plus 1 1-2) at No. 21 New Orleans
JETS, 17-16
No. 24 St. Louis (plus 6 1-2) at No. 13 Kansas City
Winner gets Governor's Cup. Send it west.
Bucs defensive coordinator Leslie Frazier was fired as Vikings head coach last year. Revenge? Nope.
EAGLES, 23-21
"The Chargers just flat outplayed us," Manning said. "It's a reminder that there aren't many secrets: If you go out and don't execute and make mistakes and have self-inflicted wounds, it's going to be tough to beat any team, much less a good football team like the Chargers."
No. 4 Indianapolis (minus 3) at No. 17 Pittsburgh
VIKINGS, 19-17

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