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Heads of the Guyana Trade Union Congress (GTUC) and the Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU) have embarked on a partnership to tackle what the parties indicated are public servant woes.The two unions yesterday signed a Communiqué,Nike NFL Jerseys China, making official their collaborated effort in dealing with the various issues which they said pose difficulty in the execution of union business.GPSU President Patrick Yarde, GTUC head, Norris Witter and executives of the respective unions penned their signatures before exchanging in partnership, the binding document at the GPSU head office.While the communiqué in detail communicates the legislation under which such collaboration could be made and the objectives and functions of the union’s by law, it was also stipulated the objectives of the parties in their combined venture.Under this new partnership, the unions will seek to work together on “Upholding and restoring collective bargaining/agreement in the public sector; the protection and enhancement of the National Insurance Scheme (NIS); the universal campaign promise of the three parliamentary political groups that they would address the Value Added Tax (VAT) with a view to having it reduced be honoured; rectification of the wanton misuse and abuse of contract workers; the appointment of Public Sector Appellate Tribunal consistent with the oath of the office taken by the President; the repeal of the 1999 amendment to the Termination of  Employment and Severance Pay Law,Wholesale Jerseys,” among other pivotal issues the union said.The agreement highlighted, “The identified initial issues form the prerequisites toward equitable development, and good governance, employer/worker relationship,China NFL Jerseys, and the parties have so committed to embracing an effective strategy to realize the said agenda over a sustained period.”Before the signing, GTUC General Secretary, Lincoln Lewis, told media operatives, “The GPSU and the GTUC had embarked on a new phase in their relationship.”He said, “The signing of the communiqué outlining the two parties’ common relationship in moving forward, is premised on rights and justice, fair play and the rule of law.”He noted that while the growing trend in today’s society is the disregard for Law and its attending rights, the unions feel strengthened in partnership to combat the persistent misconduct.Lewis however, said that the parties “are not naïve to believe that what we set out to achieve will not come without a struggle, or it can be achieved in a sweep,Jerseys NFL China, or without attracting detractors and agent provocateurs.”What the secretary said the parties are assured of “Is that our unity of purpose and aspiration, which we held true by the principles of the communiqué, will help us to overcome the challenges,Authentic Adidas Hockey Jerseys China, achieve goals, which will ultimately bode well to creating a better environment for all.”Norris Witter said that the partnership “Is of great significance, not only to the parties and who have affixed their signatures, but to the labour movement generally.”“The fact of the matter”, he said, “is the objectives of the movement, the objective of trade unions,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale China, whether in confederation or individually, is constant and immutable”.The parties may adopt different strategies and tactics in the attainment of their objectives. The two entities have reached a juncture where it is believed that it is critically important to work collaboratively to address what has been festering problems, impacting on labour for too long, Witter said.He added that the new relationship is cherished and it is hoped that as time goes on the partnership would only strengthen.Patrick Yarde said that the GPSU has been consistently attempting to bring about an environment contributing to trade union unity.Yarde said that the initiative has always been among the list of priorities focused on by his organization.The GPSU,China Jerseys, he said has consciously decided to collaborate and cooperate with all organizations focused and genuine in fighting to improve workers rights.

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