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發表於 2017-12-18 02:43:27 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has started an investigation into an oil spill incident in the Demerara River at Linden.According to EPA,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, it received a report through the Ministry of Natural ResourcesEPA says it will penalize Bosai, a bauxite company operating in Linden,China NFL Jerseys, after an oil spill in the Demerara River.on Wednesday, regarding a report of the release of used oil into surrounding drainage waterways and the Demerara River by Bosai Minerals Group (Guyana) Inc., a Chinese-owned company.“The EPA promptly conducted an investigation on 30 March, 2016,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, in collaboration with the Regional Democratic Council,cheap jerseys, Region 10.”The agency said that the investigation sought to determine the source or cause of the incident and to identify immediate remediation requirements.Officials of Bosai, including members of the company’s Environmental Department,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys China, Health and Safety Department,Cheap NFL Jerseys, and Supervisor of the Power Generation Plant, were present during the investigation.The EPA’s investigation revealed that used oil flowed from a concrete drainage network in the compound of the Bosai Mineral Group (Guyana) Inc. leading to a nearby trench and ultimately into the Demerara River.The area containing the used oil tank has an oil-water separator in place to capture spilt oil. However, according to an official from Bosai, used oil was inadvertently released into the surface drain instead of the oil-water separator.“The Environmental Department of Bosai stated they were unaware that used oil was being released from their facility and only became aware of the matter on March 30, 2016, at approximately 11:00 hrs when it was brought to their attention.”The EPA said it has instructed Bosai to immediately commence clean-up and restoration activities. Meanwhile, the EPA continues with its investigation and monitoring of the facility and clean-up exercise.“Further, the EPA is determining the penalties to be issued against the company.”

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