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According to Faster Louder, a BLACK SABBATH Australian tour announcement on Halloween seems imminent as a mysterious video posted by promoters Live Nation Wednesday morning (Australian time) suggests that the reunited band could be announcing a tour. The seven-second video (which has since been removed from YouTube) promises that "darkness descends" tonight at 10:00 p.m. (Australian time) before directing fans towards a collection of SABBATH clips. Original BLACK SABBATH guitarist Tony Iommi, singer Ozzy Osbourne and bassist Geezer Butler are working with producer Rick Rubin on their first recording project together in 34 years. According to Metal Injection, 15 songs have been written for the CD, with 12 making the final cut and the additional three serving as bonus tracks for different special editions. The band has one songtitle confirmed: "God Is Dead".Apparently, Iommi completed all 15 guitar tracks during the band's sessions in England earlier this year, and judging by the way most bands record,Jared Spurgeon Jersey, that would mean drums are done as well. Ozzy and Geezer are working to complete the tracks in five-song increments, with the first five being worked on currently at Shangri La Studios in Malibu, California. Ozzy is tracking vocals,Jonathan Toews Jersey, with Butler writing all the lyrics. As for Iommi,Al Macinnis Jersey, Ozzy told SiriusXM Liquid Metal DJ Jose Mangin that he spoke to the guitarist recently and he is in good spirits and recovery is coming along very well from his cancer scare earlier this year. Iommi, Osbourne and Butler discussed their new album in a video interview posted at NME.com. Osbourne dropped a clue about the set's title,Jake Allen Jersey, hinting, "Next year, 2013, is a good clue to what we're going to call the album." As for how Rubin influenced the band's approach to writing together again, Butler explained,Dylan Larkin Team North America Jersey, "He sat us down, put the first album on and said 'listen to this', imagine it's 1969, you've just done that, what would you do next?"Iommi added,Rene Bourque Jersey, "It's taken on the flavor of the old stuff in the way we put things together, but with a different look on it."BLACK SABBATH drummer Bill Ward announced earlier this year that he was declining to join his former bandmates for its scheduled 2012 dates, as well as the recording of a new album,Niklas Hjalmarsson Jersey, due to a contractual dispute.In addition to Download, the members of SABBATH played at Lollapalooza in early August in Chicago,Kevin Shattenkirk Jersey, their only U.S. gig. The rest of the scheduled SABBATH tour dates were played by Ozzy and billed as "Ozzy & Friends."

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