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– 3,800 illegal street lamps found by power company By Rabindra RooplallGuyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL) has identified 3,800 illegal street lamps across the regions as being a contributory factor to electricity theft in the system which cost the power company approximately $18M per month.According to Field Services Manager of GPL, Looknauth Singh, recently a verification audit was done of the street lamps attached to the GPL system and it was found that in regions two,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, three, four, five, six and seven, illegal street lights account for two percent of losses in the system.“The Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDCs) might approve ten street lights in the jurisdiction but there may be 50 attached to the system.” He noted that persons have the impression that if they purchase a street lamp they can hook it up to the system without any permission. However,nfl jerseys china, such an act is illegal and permit must be given from the various NDCs, or if in the city,Wholesale Jerseys China, the Mayor and City Council must be contacted.Singh explained that if persons are desirous of having a street lamp in front of their premises or anywhere in a street,Cheap NFL Jerseys, GPL will either run it through their meter or bill that person monthly, based on the average consumption of power the lamp uses per month.Of the 3,800 illegal street lamps found in the system, the Field Services Manager said 1,464 of these street lamps were burning on a 24-hour basis.Adding that GPL is in the process of reconciling with every NDC, Singh said a letter would be sent to each NDC stating GPL’s findings, while underscoring that the NDCs have a right to police their respective villages for any illegal connections, and report such findings.  GPL officials also noted that there is a cost for street lighting, and this is divided into two areas: the cost of purchasing and installing the lights,China NFL Jerseys, and the energy charge per month.“The average cost of operating a 175-watt mercury vapour lamp (this kind is commonly sold in stores),Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, which uses about 65 units of electricity, is about $3,500 per month,” one electrician said.The Electricity Sector Reform (Amendment) Bill 2010 was passed in August 2010 in the National Assembly, paving the way for increased fines and penalties as it relates to individuals or businesses found guilty of electricity theft.Stiff penalties are also in place now for the ‘corrupt’ persons in the electricity sector that conduct transactions with persons to facilitate the theft of electricity as they will also be subjected to stiffer penalties.

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