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"Fire & Damnation", the first-ever official video from German thrashers EXUMER, can be seen below. The clip was entirely filmed and edited in Sao Paulo,Wholesale Houston Rockets Jerseys, Brazil, during the band's "South American Damnation" tour in June 2012.Commented EXUMER vocalist Mem V. Stein: "The idea behind the clip was to showcase the band's intense relationship with our Brazilian fans in a live situation and the disparities that are still present in one of the fastest growing economies in the world.  "We chose the song 'Fire & Damnation' because its vibe is quite universal,Wholesale MLB Jerseys, where you don't have look to religion or elsewhere to find damnation here on earth. Ultimately, the clip is a 'thank you' to all our fans in South America and around the world as we always try to relate to them in an honest and very real way.""Fire & Damnation" is the title track of EXUMER's latest album, which was released in April via Metal Blade Records.  The 10-track CD,Seattle Seahawks Jerseys China, which was recorded with renowned producer Waldemar Sorychta (GRIP INC., THERION,Wholesale China NFL Jerseys, SODOM,Wholesale NBA Jerseys, MOONSPELL), "combines a punishing production with aggressive songwriting,Authentic NFL Jerseys Cheap," according to a press release. "EXUMER manages to capture the intensity and feel of the 1980s thrash metal gems and yet sound up to date on their latest output."EXUMER is:Mem V. Stein - VocalsRay Mensh - GuitarT. Schiavo - BassH.K. - GuitarMatthias Kassner - DrumsFormed in 1985 by Mem V. Stein and guitarist Ray Mensh, EXUMER went on to release two albums (1986's "Possessed By Fire" and 1987's "Rising From The Sea") that are regarded as some of the most cult thrash metal releases ever to come out of Germany. EXUMER was also one of the first thrash metal acts to capture exotic, foreign markets like Poland and Brazil,Wholesale NHL Jerseys, where their albums were domestically released in the 1980s. The subsequent tours that followed those releases secured the band live shows in front of thousands of fans and an unusually large following outside of Germany.Plagued by lineup changes and internal turmoil, the band broke up in 1990, and did not perform live, with the exception of 2001 appearance at the prestigious Wacken Open Air festival, until 2009. Mem and Ray decided to re-activate EXUMER in 2008, and the band embarked on their first tour since 1988. The "5 Nights of Fire Tour", took the band through Europe (Germany,Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys, Holland, Greece), and the USA, where they headlined the "Thrasho de Mayo Festival" in front of 1,300 fans in Los Angeles. EXUMER returned to Europe in spring and the fall of 2010,Wholesale Cincinnati Reds Jerseys, where the band appeared at Norway's Inferno Festival, among other stops in Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Poland and Bulgaria during the "European Ignition Tour Part I & II"."Fire & Damnation" video:

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