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發表於 2016-12-23 08:29:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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DEVICE, the new industrial-style project featuring DISTURBED frontman David Draiman and former FILTER guitarist Geno Lenardo,Brett Cecil Blue Jays Jersey, will play a number of shows this spring and summer in support of its debut album, which is due out April 9. The CD will feature guest appearances from AVENGED SEVENFOLD singer M. Shadows, SYSTEM OF A DOWN vocalist Serj Tankian, RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE guitarist Tom Morello, HALESTORM singer Lzzy Hale, BLACK SABBATH bassist Geezer Butler and ex-DEEP PURPLE bassist/vocalist Glenn Hughes.Lenardo will not be part of the DEVICE touring band due to previous commitments. Other members of the live lineup include EVANESCENCE drummer Will Hunt and DOPE guitarist Virus.In a recent interview with Artisan News, Draiman stated about Lenardo's absence from the road: "Geno is tied up in his own projects and doing things on his own and he wants to be able to stay close to home and spend time with his son, so he won't be a part of the live part of this project,Lonnie Chisenhall Indians Jersey, which is why I enlisted the services of [Will and Virus] to be partners in this project and to lend me their creative and their playing might."Draiman was also full of praise for his bandmates, stating: "Will is just a monster behind the kit and he definitely was one on a short, short list of guys that we were looking at. And Virus as well ��a very accomplished musician in his own right, has done some amazing work with DOPE,Madison Bumgarner Giants Jersey, he's worked with a number of tremendously accomplished artists,Lance Lynn Cardinals Jersey, [he's] a great songwriter in his own right. So I definitely wanted to find the right union of people that we had a good energy together, we had a good camaraderie, and we're ready to just take this monster of a record and unleash it on the world."Draiman told Noisecreep that DEVICE's touring plans have yet to be finalized, but that he doesn't expect to be headlining the same venues that DISTURBED does. He explained, "I'm ready to open for other artists and I definitely don't have any delusions of grandeur with this. It's like going back to the beginning."DEVICE is the first non-DISTURBED music that Draiman has created in 16 years and he told The Pulse Of Radio why that was important to him. "This really gave me the opportunity to step outside of my box from a creative aspect and from a musical aspect,Shin-Soo Choo Rangers Jersey," he said. "It's still dark, it's still rhythmic,Joc Pederson Dodgers Jersey, it's still got my characteristic vocal delivery at times, but I definitely go places vocally on this record that I've never gone with DISTURBED." The first single from the DEVICE album,Billy Williams Cubs Jersey, called "Vilify",Francisco Rodriguez Orioles Jersey, arrives at rock radio on February 19. A video is being produced as well.

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