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Cheap Baseball Jerseys s 26th Nurses’









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發表於 2018-1-1 17:37:19 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Efforts are in the pipelines to have local nursing schools, primarily the Georgetown School of Nursing,Wholesale Hockey Jerseys 2018, brought on par with other nursing schools in the Caribbean, a process which is expected to garner much assistance from the Ministry of Health.Acting Principal Nursing Tutor of the nursing school, Ms Pearl Munroe, made this disclosure at last Thursday’s 26th Nurses’ Graduation Ceremony held at the National Cultural Centre.According to Ms Munroe,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, the School of Nursing had undergone an internal accreditation review by the General Nursing Council (GNC) of Guyana,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, the body responsible for nursing standards.And in 2004, the GNC had submitted its report on the successful accomplishment of the three main nursing schools of Guyana — the Georgetown School of Nursing, the New Amsterdam School of Nursing and the Charles Rosa School of Nursing.Munroe said that included in the report were ways in which the schools could use data to determine the outcome and make changes in the training programme, and how to utilise the nursing standards for programme effectiveness.And there was no hesitation on the part of faculty members with the collaboration with the GNC,Wholesale Jerseys, Munroe said.She added that plans were swiftly engaged to streamline an external accreditation process.However, that process was stalled, she noted, since it was confronted with some real problems, which were brought to the attention of the Ministry of Health to no avail.At the moment, though, the school is enrolled with the National Accreditation Council at the Ministry of Education.The nursing schools, Ms Munroe said, have since benefited from an initial workshop in 2006.This workshop has served to sensitise stakeholders of roles and functions; helped with the formulation of criteria; and helped acquaint members with worldwide trends in quality assurance, among other objectives.It was, however, emphasised that accreditation is a stamp of approval, Munroe said.She noted that, with such a system in place, it signals to the public that nursing students are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to meet their health care needs; assures employers that graduates have met internationally acceptable standards of excellence; and ensures that the education institution is structured and managed efficiently and in accordance with its mission.Ms Munroe said that graduates could also find it easier to advance their education to a Master’s degree level after graduating from a nursing school that is accredited.She said it is hoped that, with the help of the Health Ministry, an earnest exercise will commence to bring the local nursing school on par with others in regional territories.A total of 175 nursing students who had participated in programmes that included professional nursing,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, post basic midwifery, single train midwifery and nursing assistants, graduated at the recently held graduation ceremony.The overall pass rate was an average of over 90 per cent, and 18 graduates were awarded for outstanding performances.According to Director of Health Sciences Education,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, Mr Noel Holder, some of the graduates will now become eligible to pursue the Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Public Health at the University of Guyana.

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