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On November 9, German thrash metal veterans KREATOR released a new seven-inch single, "Civilization Collapse" (retail version: black; Nuclear Blast mailorder-only version: red,Cheap Jerseys china, yellow, white) and as a digital download. The single contains the title cut backed by the non-album track "Wolfchild", which was featured on the "Dark Symphonies - A Tribute To John Sinclair" album, released this past September in Germany via Lübbe-Audio. The band also made a video for the song "Civilization Collapse", which is said to be "mainly about the riots that took place in Greece most recently."While researching the above-mentioned riots, the KREATOR art direction team became aware of Marios Lolos, president of the Greek union of journalistic photographers. In the past,Wholesale Jerseys from china, Greek photographers have become victims of police brutality and Marios himself barely got out alive when he was subjected to one of these extreme attacks. When KREATOR showed Marios the song and the lyrics, he immediately agreed participate by offering parts of his huge photographic archives.The "Civilization Collapse" video can be seen below."Civilization Collapse" comes off KREATOR's new album, "Phantom Antichrist", which sold 3,Cheap Jerseys from china,900 copies in the United States in its first week of release. The CD landed at No. 1 on the Top New Artist Albums (Heatseekers) chart, which lists the best-selling albums by new and developing artists, defined as those who have never appeared in the Top 100 of The Billboard 200. Released on June 1 in Europe and June 5 in North America via Nuclear Blast Records, "Phantom Antichrist" was recorded at Fascination Street Studios in Örebro, Sweden with renowned producer Jens Bogren (OPETH, KATATONIA, SOILWORK, DEVIN TOWNSEND,Cheap NFL Jerseys, AMON AMARTH).As previously reported,Cheap NFL Jerseys from china, KREATOR has unveiled a "huge 3D show" during its current European headlining tour with MORBID ANGEL, NILE and FUELED BY FIRE, which kicked off on November 1 in Antwerp, Belgium.KREATOR recently completed the "North American Teutonic Terror Attack" tour with ACCEPT.   Retail-version cover:

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