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發表於 2018-1-7 11:04:24 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A 36-year-old pest control employee was killed shortly after 01:00 hr yesterday,Wholesale NBA Jerseys China, when the car he was driving at high speed careened off the West Coast Demerara public road near Ruimzeight and toppled into a canal.Secharan Singh,Cheap Jerseys, called ‘Sunil’, a driver for PESTEX Environmental Solutions, lost control of the vehicle which overturned several times before ending up in the canal.Dead: Secharan Singh, called He remained trapped for several minutes in the submerged car and was already dead when residents, with the aid of a tractor, hauled the battered vehicle out and tried to revive him.The Eccles,Wholesale Jerseys, East Bank Demerara, resident was heading east along the West Coast Demerara public road in the company vehicle,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, PLL 131, when the mishap occurred.Kaieteur News arrived at the scene a few minutes after the vehicle was pulled out and observed that one of the tyres was punctured.This seemed to suggest that Singh might have suffered a blowout while speeding. A lad who was staying at relatives in Ruimzeight told Kaieteur News that he heard a loud impact around 01:00 hrs.The lad said that he went outside and saw the car in the canal at the opposite of the road. He said that only the wheels were showing.His relatives then summoned the police.Another resident told Kaieteur News that he was playing a game of dominoes at a nearby establishment when the car Singh was driving sped past. He said that seconds later, he heard a loud impact.The villager said he “thought nothing of it” until he observed   the lights of several parked vehicles near the accident scene.After finally hauling the vehicle to land, residents still held out hope that Singh, who was motionless, might be alive. One man attempted resuscitation but his efforts were in vain.Police managed to identify the victim by the documents they retrieved from his pockets.They eventually contacted a friend of Singh’s after placing the chip from the dead man’s damaged cell phone in another instrument.Singh is survived by his wife, Bibi, and 12-year-old son. A tearful Bibi Singh said the view that her husband might have been alive had he not heeded a friend’s repeated pleas to go out on Thursday.She recounted that ‘Sunil’ came home from work around 16:00 hrs. Around 17:00 hrs, a friend known as ‘Navin’, telephoned and asked her husband to meet him. After several other calls from Navin, her husband agreed to meet the friend. Before leaving, Singh asked his wife to prepare his dinner.“He said ‘Bibi, ah going out give me ah kiss, ah coming back. But he never come back.”Mrs. Singh said that around 06:00 hrs yesterday, she heard the blowing of a car horn outside. She assumed that her husband had come home with a taxi and wanted her to come outside to pay the fare.But when she went outside, she was met by a PESTEX employee and his wife.“He say where Sunil? And I say that Sunil went out and ain’t come back.”Mrs. Singh said that the man’s wife then asked her to come downstairs and once she had done so,China NFL Jerseys, the woman explained that Sunil was involved in an accident.“I say, ‘how bad’, so I could go and see him, and she said I can’t see him because he in the mortuary.”Earlier this month, popular Vreed-en-Hoop businessman, Motieram Ramdin, was killed after a pickup he was driving at high speed crashed into a tree at Crane, West Coast Demerara.Police are probing reports that Ramdin,Jerseys NFL Cheap, 55, who owned Ram’s Auto Sales at Vreed-en-Hoop, was drag-racing when he was killed.

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