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"Dreaming Of Breathing", the new video from DAYLIGHT DIES, can be seen below. The clip was filmed by Ramon Boutviseth, who previously worked with the band on the "Lies That Bind" clip."Dreaming Of Breathing" comes off DAYLIGHT DIES' new album,Michael Jordan Bulls Jersey, "A Frail Becoming", which will be released in North America on October 9 via Candlelight Records. Mixed by Jens Bogren at Fascination Street Studios (OPETH,Kyle Lowry USA Jersey, KATATONIA,Authentic Steven Adams Thunder Jersey, DEVIN TOWNSEND), the CD features photography from Jonathan Mehring and packaging design by Agni Kaster. The release of "A Frail Becoming" silences a nearly four-year writing gap from the quintet. "'A Frail Becoming' is an album which, at many times during its creation,Authentic Al Horford Celtics Jersey, felt as if it may never be realized," states drummer Jesse Haff. "As each of our lives proceeded down different paths, the challenges and obstacles we faced felt daunting and at times impassible. Out of this struggle,Jimmy Butler USA Jersey, we forged ahead, determined to write the best collection of music we've ever created. Thankfully our perseverance prevailed and 'A Frail Becoming' stands as the most accomplished and varied album of our career."Recording of "A Frail Becoming" commenced late 2011. Bassist/vocalist Egan O'Rourke coordinated capturing individual performances of Haff,Authentic Kevin Love Cavaliers Jersey, guitarists Barre Gambling and Charley Shackelford, and vocalist Nathan Ellis. By year's end,Draymond Green USA Jersey, the raw tracks were ready for Bogren's impressive and critical touches. Haff notes, "While still sounding distinctly DAYLIGHT DIES, each songs stands independently on its own, uncompromisingly representing a reflection of the moment in time they were each born in. Expect beautiful and haunting guitar-driven dark metal, enveloped by a wall of rhythms and textures one minute,Authentic Jimmy Butler Bulls Jersey, and deeply expressive guitar leads, solos and acoustic passages the next.""A Frail Becoming" track listing: 01. Infidel02. The Pale Approach03. Sunset04. Dreaming Of Breathing05. A Final Vestige06. Ghosting07. Hold On To Nothing08. Water's Edge09. An Heir to EmptinessDAYLIGHT DIES recently completed work on a video for the song "Dreaming Of Breathing". The clip was shot by Ramon Boutviseth, who also directed "Lies That Bind", a video filmed shortly after the release of 2006's "Dismantling Devotion".

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