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發表於 2018-1-8 10:11:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Linemen must have good lateral quickness in the scheme. Chester began his college career at Oklahoma as a 220-pound tight end. His athleticism, combined with his experience in the system, has helped him stand out in training camp.
"It's nice to be able to have a unit locked in, but the reality of it is we're still trying different lineups,Wholesale Jerseys," Chester said Wednesday. "Coaches are looking at some different lineups and different things. Nothing is set in stone. It helps when you can do that but I don't think it's the end of the world if we're not entirely set yet."
"It's all about running and gaining that edge," Matthews said. "I think I can do all that stuff well.
The coach is eager to see the linemen compete against the Titans,Wholesale Jerseys.
The adjustment to the new scheme can be a challenge. Asamoah started 15 games at right guard last season but could be falling behind.
Stone was a surprise last season when he started nine games at center as an undrafted rookie from Tennessee. He was moved to guard this week. Stone could start at left guard,Cheap NFL Jerseys, with Chester at right guard and Hawley at center,NFL Jerseys Supply, against Tennessee.
FLOWERY BRANCH, Ga. (AP) — The start of the preseason schedule finds the Atlanta Falcons still looking at different combinations on their new-look offensive line.
Left tackle Jake Matthews' starting job is set. Ryan Schraeder appears secure at right tackle. The three interior positions are the big questions entering Friday night's preseason opener against Tennessee.
The turnover on the line began after last season. Two former long-time starters — tackle Sam Baker and guard Justin Blalock — were released.
NOTES: The team signed CB Michael Lee and waived/injured NT Ricky Heimuli (hip). Lee originally was signed as an undrafted free agent from Fort Valley State and was released last week. ... The team practiced without pads and helmets.
Shanahan is installing an outside-zone blocking scheme he also used in Washington, where Chester was a starter the last four years.
"There are so many guys for us to look at and evaluate," Quinn said. "Guys are absolutely taking their shots and going for it. Now, can they make that transformation into the game? Can they take their practice reps and put it into the game? That's kind of the fun part that you see, especially for some of the young guys."
Quinn said finding a starting combination as quickly as possible "totally matters" so the group can become comfortable playing together.
"Normally an offense is more up and down. This is more lateral,Cheap NFL Jerseys. We're going to gain the edge. We're going to run outside you and make you run back and forth and wear you out so in the fourth quarter you'll be tired."

Chris Chester, who followed new offensive coordinator Kyle Shanahan from the Washington Redskins, has the early edge at one of the guard spots. Among others in the mix at guard and center are Joe Hawley, James Stone, Mike Person and Jon Asamoah.
"There's still a lot going on with the inside three, but Chester is certainly one that has jumped out at us,Cheap Jerseys Store," coach Dan Quinn said this week.
Matthews, the 2014 first-round pick from Texas A&M, said he believes he is a good fit for Shanahan's offense.
"We've got a bunch of guys switching" positions, Matthews said Wednesday. "Coach (Quinn) wants to make sure guys are able to swing around because you don't know what's going to happen during the season."

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