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發表於 2016-12-24 16:06:21 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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As a way to celebrate a successful 2012 and say "thank you" to all of his fans, GUNS N' ROSES guitarist Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal is offering an unreleased, heavier version of the song "Misery" from his "Abnormal" album as free download to everyone who joins his brand new e-mail list at Bumblefoot.com.  Bumblefoot wants to keep you updated on his 2013 plans with GUNS N' ROSES, his work with ex-TNT vocalist Tony Harnell, new products such as the Bumblefoot hot sauces, and much more. Bumblefoot has 20 years of releasing music,Patrick Patterson Raptors Jersey, international festivals and headlining solo tours,Kelly Oubre Jr. Wizards Jersey, and covers of guitar magazines. Bumblefoot's latest releases were an innovative song-a-month series that include transcriptions and backing tracks for guitarists and recording stems for remixers, including a cover of "The Pink Panther Theme" featuring members of GUNS N' ROSES.  Lead guitarist of GUNS N' ROSES since 2006, Bumblefoot has toured sold-out shows in over 40 countries, headlining festivals with crowds of 150,000. Bumblefoot's unique "fretless guitar" can be heard throughout GN'R's "Chinese Democracy" album.Bumblefoot has collaborated as a songwriter/producer with many artists,Marcin Gortat Wizards Jersey, his music often heard in TV, film and video games including theme songs to Spike TV's "MXC" and VH1 Classic's "That Metal Show", "So You Think You Can Dance", Oprah Winfrey, ESPN,LeBron James Team USA Jersey, UFC, WWE, NFL,C.J. Watson Magic Jersey, dozens of MTV/VH1 shows and more.  Bumblefoot has appeared on stage with Joe Satriani, Nancy Sinatra,Jason Williams Magic Jersey, Chris Jericho and FOZZY, Cyndi Lauper, members of BADFINGER, Paul McCartney & WINGS, and on recordings with diverse artists such as DREAM THEATER's Jordan Rudess, ANVIL's Steve "Lips" Kudlow, Jessica Simpson,Charles Barkley Team USA Jersey, rapper Scarface, comedian Don Jamieson and many more.Studying music since age 7, he began teaching at age 13 and for the last 10 years has taught music production at SUNY Purchase College. He teaches master-classes at schools and venues around the world, and has been a guest music coach on MTV's "Made".  Bumblefoot is continuously donating songs and performances to fundraising CDs, often making appearances and donating autographed items for charities. He often performs at events for medical research,James Harden Team USA Jersey, disaster relief, and children's health issues, visiting patients at children's hospitals all over the world with guitar in hand.Upcoming projects in 2013 include accompanying vocalist Tony Harnell and THE WILDFLOWERS on acoustic guitar, releasing his own line of Bumblefoot hot sauces.

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