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[足球] NFL Jerseys China ufzs03en









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發表於 2018-1-10 01:01:40 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Ashton Lambert, 18,Cheap Jerseys From China, of Mc Rae Street, Rosignol, West Bank Berbice, was on Thursday remanded to prison by Magistrate Robby Benn when he appeared before him at the Weldaad Magistrate’s Court on the charge of murder.Lambert, a fisherman is charged with killing Bharrat Thatpaul, 33, called Sunil, a canecutter and taxi driver of 192 Shieldstown, West Bank Berbice.The accused was not required to plead. The matter has been fixed for March 28 and transferred to the Blairmont Magistrate’s Court.The incident occurred around 02:30 hrs on Tuesday on the Public Road, not too far from the Rosignol Ferry Stelling.According to reports, ThatPaul, his uncle-in-law and two others were drinking at various spots on the West Coast.They eventually ended up at a snackette on the Rosignol Stelling Road. They were reportedly having a nice time drinking and dancing when an argument developed between Bharrat and the suspect  who was at another table. A fight ensued and Bharrat Thatpaul was stabbed in his back with a knife. He fell on the road; he was subsequently picked up and taken to the Fort Wellington Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.It was reported that the man’s body was left on the road for some time because none of the vehicles around wanted to transport the injured man to the hospital, stating that they did not want their vehicle bloodied.According to his wife for six years, Omawatie Basdeo, 21, her husband was a good man. She said that he had lived in Suriname for over 18 years and had even written a song in Dutch. He wanted to be a recording artiste.Apart from his wife, Bharrat Tahpaul leaves to mourn his father who is in Guyana and his mother and one sister who are overseas.The suspect was arrested at his home around 04:00 hrs the next day. The matter is being prosecuted by Inspector Donna Grant Fraser.A post mortem examination performed on the body of Bharrat Thatpaul by Dr. Nehaul Singh on Thursday at the Georgetown Public Hospital gave the cause of death as perforation of the lung  due to stab wound.

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