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發表於 2016-12-25 00:25:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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On October 30, Eagle Rock Entertainment will deliver an early holiday treat, with the release of TWISTED SISTER's "A Twisted Xmas - Live In Las Vegas" on DVD,Artemi Panarin Jersey, CD, and Digital Video/Audio. Previously available only on DVD,Paul Martin Jersey, as part of the 2011 "Bars To The Stars" five-DVD box set,Antti Niemi Jersey, "A Twisted Xmas" features the classic tracks "I Wanna Rock" and "You Can't Stop Rock 'N' Roll" alongside such Christmas favorites as "White Christmas", "Deck The Halls",Jhonas Enroth Jersey, "12 Days Of Christmas", and many more. "O Come, All Ye Faithful" gets a very special TWISTED treatment,Trevor Van Riemsdyk Jersey, with a music bed of "We're Not Gonna Take It". This is the kind of Christmas spirit that only TWISTED SISTER can unleash, produced, as always,Bryan Rust Jersey, by TWISTED SISTER bassist extraordinaire Mark "The Animal" Mendoza. Vocalist Dee Snider (or Snider Claus, taking the stage in Santa's suit), guitarists Jay Jay French and Eddie Ojeda, bassist Mark Mendoza, and drummer A.J. Pero took the merriment on the road in 2006,CM Punk Jersey, following the release of their holiday album "A Twisted Christmas". This tinsel-trimmed, heavy metal holiday extravaganza, filmed in Las Vegas, has also become an annual tradition in New York City. "The TWISTED SISTER 'Live In Las Vegas' performance was the realization of all that the show could be," states French. "It brought together all the elements which made the 'Twisted Christmas' album such a huge success combining the unique transformation of some of the world's greatest Christmas classics done in pure heavy metal style with extraordinary visuals. The energy of the live performance on the recording reflects our own shock and awe as we, the band,Bobby Smith Jersey, watched our dreams unfold. It really was A December to Remember.""A Twisted Xmas - Live In Las Vegas" track listing: 01. Intro * 02. Have Yourself A Merry Christmas 03. White Christmas 04. Shoot 'Em Down 05. I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus 06. You Can't Stop Rock 'N' Roll 07. Deck The Halls 08. The Price 09. Come All Ye Faithful 10. Burn In Hell 11. Drum Solo * 12. Silver Bells 13. I'll Be Home For Christmas 14. Satan Claus! * 15. I Wanna Rock16. 12 Days Of Christmas 17. We're Not Gonna Take It * not on CD

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