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Micro-enterprises in Guyana will be given a level playing field, as opportunities to expand and enhance this area of business and promote entrepreneurialship will soon be the focus of Government.Minister of Business and Investment Dominic Gaskin and members of the Berbice Expo planning committee.Minister of Business and Investment, Dominic Gaskin, disclosed this as he officially launched the Eleventh Berbice Expo and Trade Fair last evening under the theme, ‘Fostering national pride, Advancing economic progress.’“There is currently a programme or project that is funded by the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS),Authentic Jerseys Cheap, Norwegian funding,Cheap Jerseys Supply, that is targeting small and micro enterprise development and also in the Small Business Act, there is a particular clause which I don’t think we have done enough to realize,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys,” the Minister of Business told his audience.According to Minster Gaskin, the Act stipulates that 20 percent of all public contracts awarded must go to small businesses. He explained, “This is one of the things I would like to promote over the next five years, ensuring that this becomes a reality.”It is the intention of the Ministry of Business to institute a programme that prepares small businesses to access public spending. This will be one of the main areas of focus in the Ministry’s soon to be developed strategic plan.“There is a lot of money. Government is the biggest spender in our economy, and there is potentially $15 billion out there per year that can be accessed by small businesses if a proper programme was put in place to actually give effect to the clause in our laws,” he said.The Ministry of Business and Investment was established to ensure that the investment climate is improved, investments are promoted both locally and abroad and to ensure that businesses have a level playing field to operate thus resulting in the best possible chance of success.The Ministry is looking at transparency, fairness,NFL Jerseys China Online, equity and good governance in particular, as means of promoting confidence in the economy.It is the belief of the minister that investors must understand that this is an economy where investors are welcomed and in which their investments can be secured and one where they are given a fair chance in making profits.The gathering was told too,Wholesale China Jerseys, that the development of young entrepreneurs is also an area of emphasis for the Business Ministry as Guyana lacks the culture of entrepreneurship since there are not many role models in this sector.“One of the ways of promoting entrepreneurship is by giving those young people the opportunity to showcase at events such as the Berbice Expo which is an initiative the Ministry is interested in supporting”, Minister Gaskin said.On the other hand, the private sector and organizers of the Berbice Exposition and Trade Fair were advised to consider diversification of the region’s economy by removing emphasis on the primary products. “We have been relying on the same primary products for 80-85 percent of our export for the past 50 years, rice, sugar, gold, thyme. We need to move beyond that and diversify into value added,Wholesale China Jerseys, secondary and tertiary products and services,” he urged the stakeholders.In his remarks, Director of the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA), Indranauth Haralsingh, described the theme of the event as timely and relevant since, “it is time we show national pride in building a stronger Guyana, and in advancing economic progress through entrepreneurship, creativity, innovation and resourcefulness.” He added that the GTA remains committed to supporting the event as it has been a successful platform and showcase for not only the large, but the small and medium sized enterprises and visitors.The GTA Director disclosed that the Authority will be collaborating with the Miss Guyana World organization to have the presence of Guyana’s Lisa Punch to use the expo as a platform to sensitise, educate and create awareness about suicide prevention and mitigation since the rate of suicide is high in Berbice.In his remarks, President of the Central Corentyne Chamber of Commerce (CCCC), Tajpaul Adjodhea said the chamber is pleased to host the event this year since it remains important for the highlighting and marking of businesses within the region.Regional Chairman David Armogan in his remarks said that Berbicians look forward to this activity as it is seen as one where the family can participate. He however, urged the organizers to allow for more exhibitors to participate in the event as this provides a better opportunity for the business community. He pledged his commitment and that of the Regional Democratic Council for continued support of the Expo and plans to work with the Chambers of Commerce in making it better every year.

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