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發表於 2018-1-17 23:23:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Without seeking permission from his guardians, Shemar Edwards went to the Princess International Hotel yesterday with about 20 friends. About two hours before the pool closed, the 17-year-old had drowned.When Kaieteur News visited the East Ruimveldt,Jerseys Wholesale, Georgetown residence he once called home, his parents were at the East Bank Demerara Regional Hospital.An eyewitness who happens to be a neighbour of the deceased told this publication that after attempts by staff of the Princess International Hotel to revive the youth with CPR failed,Cheap Wholesale Jerseys, he was taken to the hospital.“He was not rushed immediately to the hospital since the staff were waiting on an ambulance but was subsequently forced to use a hotel taxi,China Cheap Jerseys,” she said.According to the eyewitness, earlier, she had observed Edwards swimming and decided to take out his picture. She then went about her business but was alerted by someone shouting that “a body is under the water.”The girl said she was shocked to see her neighbour being pulled out of the water and lying motionless by the poolside. A boy who she suspects was one of his friends was pressing his chest, trying to revive him. By that time,Cheap Basketball Jerseys, four employees of the hotel came to Edwards’ assistance and took over the resuscitation exercise.According to the eyewitness,Nike Air Max 95 Womens Sale, no water came out of the teen’s mouth but blood was oozing from his nose. She added that a man clad in a lifeguard shirt was seen trying to help.She noted that questions posed to Edwards’ friends were met with some of them trying to escape. Only about two friends acknowledged the youth and provided some information.And according Alicia Amos,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply, on August 17, 2013,Discount Football Jerseys, she was forced to rescue her son from drowning at the said pool.She recalled that on the day in question she had just attended to her son by granting him a request and “within a wink of an eye he plunged into the pool.” Unfortunately it was in the deep section and according to her he went down once and came up. She and her friends then began shouting for the lifeguard.Amos said despite not knowing how to swim she jumped into the pool to save her son. She is thankful that she is 6ft2″ and was able to stand in the pool. Amos recalled grabbing her son and pushing him out of the pool and slamming her body into the wall to prevent drowning.Amos said she is disgusted that a teenager lost his life in the same pool in which she saved her son from drowning.She is calling on the hotel to put better management in place.

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