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Under the theme ‘Achieving Service Excellence through Training’, the Ministry of Tourism and the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) in collaboration with the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), recently hosted a workshop, with the aim to explore agro-tourism opportunities, consistent with Guyana’s Low Carbon Development Strategy.The event is  part of a series of activities during Tourism Awareness Month 2011.Participants at the agro-tourism workshop.The objectives of the one-day session, which was held at the Splashmin’s Eco Park and Resort on the Linden/Soesdyke Highway, were,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, to broadly define agro-tourism with specific reference to Guyana’s potential and current offerings; list the major planks of Guyana’s development strategy that involve the natural environment; identify the benefits of linking agriculture with tourism; discuss challenges and issues; describe and promote at least one successful agro-tourism enterprise; and develop an outline proposal for agro-tourism enterprises.Participants included United States Agency for International Development/Guyana Trade and Investment Support (USAID/GTIS), National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI), Tourism and Hospitality Association of Guyana, Kingdom Apiary, Aquaculture Association of Guyana, Onverwagt Aquacultural Enterprise Inc., Bounty Farm Ltd, Conservation International,Cheap Jerseys From China, Splashmins, North Rupununi District Development Board,Supply NFL Jerseys Factory, Carnegie School of Home Economics,Supply Cheap Jerseys, North West Organics, Mangrove Reserve – Wellington and Cove & John, Gardenland Nursery, Mainstay Village, Guyana Rice Development Board, Guyana School of Agriculture, Rock View Lodge, and Guyana Sugar Corporation.Director of GTA, Indranauth Haralsingh, in welcoming remarks, said that the GTA is fully aware of the potential that agro-tourism has as a niche product and market in Guyana, which is well-poised to be considered the breadbasket of the Caribbean.Alluding to the challenges in the Caribbean, he said that Guyana is well positioned and has a number of strategic advantages in this area.“As an agriculture-based economy, there are numerous opportunities for agro- tourism in Guyana, for farm based tourism, eco agro-tourism and agro forestry. The linkages and partnerships between our farmers and the visitors are strong as our locally produced foods make its way to the menu and delightful meals served to our locals and visitors through restaurants and hotels,” he said.He referred to good examples of agro-tourism practices like Rock View Lodge and Splashmin’s, and said that it is important to further develop this niche market and product “so as to provide our visitors with a more enriching experience and an appreciation for our food culture and heritage whilst giving them an opportunity to visit a farm, overnight, fish, cook, ride a horse, swim,Soccer World Cup Jerseys, paddle a canoe, harvest fruits or vegetables, learn recipes…”.He also pointed out that it is important that coastal and hinterland communities seize the opportunities which can generate income, create employment and enhance their livelihood.Haralsingh said that the GTA will be conducting a study on agro-tourism in Guyana, looking at demand, supply, opportunities, linkages,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, challenges and come up with an agro-tourism plan.The GTA Director also commended the IICA for supporting the initiative, and for its commitment to agro-tourism development in the region.The feature presentation titled ‘the Rock View Experience’ was done by Mr. Colin Edwards, Owner of Rock View Lodge in Annai, Region Nine (Upper Takutu/Upper Essequibo).

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