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發表於 2018-1-18 11:34:01 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"You do what your players do best," Kubiak said Wednesday at the NFL scouting combine. "It's interesting to me — I've been asked over the course of the last month since I've been in Denver about the bootleg and those types of things. We had Joe (Flacco) in Baltimore last year and I think we booted maybe 25 times in the season."
Other tidbits about Manning's offseason have been well-reported:
Meanwhile, Kubiak is doing his best to design an offense that will work for Manning — while knowing there's at least a slight possibility that someone else will be lining up under center.
"No doubt I want him to be," Kubiak said. "I think all indications are that (through) everything he said and through his conversations with John,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, he feels good. He's had his self-assessment or however you want to label that and he feels good about moving forward. We'll just continue with the process."
The Broncos are heavily committed to veteran players on defense and have decisions to make on free agents Demaryius Thomas and Julius Thomas, among others. They also have to make some changes to their offensive line.
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Even under new management,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, the Broncos offense can be built to fit Peyton Manning's game.
—There's some thought the Broncos would like him to rework his contract to make it more cap-friendly,Cheap Jerseys; Manning is scheduled to make $19 million this season.

Last week,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, Manning flew to Denver to meet with Broncos executive John Elway, but he left without making any announcement about his future.
"We're going to run the Denver Broncos offense," Kubiak said. "That's a big challenge for me right now — meshing things together and getting ready to go do the things that Peyton does so well and has for many years."
The still-lingering question: Will Manning be in Denver to run it?
The coach reiterated that Wednesday.
—Elway and Kubiak are both on record as wanting him back.
Ah, the process. It's holding things up in Denver, though it certainly can't for much longer. Manning has to pass a physical and the Broncos need to know whether he'll be on their roster by the start of the new league year, which is March 10.
Broncos coach Gary Kubiak debunked any notion that he'd push Manning into running the rollout-heavy offense the coach is most comfortable with from his days designing schemes in Baltimore and Houston and back when he was the coordinator in Denver,Wholesale Jerseys China.
—He's been working with a personal trainer in New Orleans to assess his fitness.
That number would probably drop if Manning,NFL Jerseys Cheap, who will be 39 when the 2015 season starts, returns for his fourth year with the Broncos.

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