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Cheap Jerseys From China Lenny is writing some stuff that is so friggin great









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發表於 2016-12-26 00:49:24 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Reunited '80s cult metal outfit SANCTUARY, which features in its ranks current NEVERMORE frontman Warrel Dane and bassist Jim Sheppard,Cheap Pittsburgh Steelers Jerseys, performed a "secret" concert this past Tuesday night (September 13) at Studio Seven in Seattle.Fan-filmed video footage of the show can be seen below.SANCTUARY recently tapped Brad Hull (FORCED ENTRY) to play second guitar for the band.Hull and Shannon Sharp,Nike Panthers #70 Trai Turner Blue Alternate Mens Stitched NFL Elite Jersey, one of the moderators at Metalguitarist.org,Cheap New York Mets Jerseys, were the top picks for the position. Brad, having previously toured with SANCTUARY, was given the opportunity to play the upcoming dates in Atlanta (ProgPower USA XII festival) and Greece.Hull has spent the last two years playing the role of "James Hetfield" in the METALLICA tribute band BLISTERED EARTH, which plays "classic songs ranging from 1983's 'Kill 'Em All' to 1991's self-titled 'Metallica'."In a recent interview,Nike Bengals #18 A.J. Green Gray Mens Stitched NFL Limited Gridiron Gray Jersey, Dane stated about how SANCTUARY's reformation came about, "[SANCTUARY guitarist Lenny Rutledge and I] always talked to each other, but never really been friends again.  And when the whole thing came about, that we were actually friends again, that's when we started talking more about doing it.  And it definitely wasn't because NEVERMORE was imploding... which it was, at that point . . . We all just started talking with each other again.  That was kind of the groundwork for it.  And then we started saying, 'Well, gosh,Cheap Super Bowl 50 Jerseys, let's make music again.'  And my god! Lenny is writing some stuff that is so friggin great!  Obviously, he's been bottling this up for years, because he really hasn't been doing anything... Well, he's had bands here and there.  But he's really writing some great stuff that's really inspiring me,Nike Bengals #77 Andrew Whitworth White Mens Stitched NFL Elite Jersey, and making me fall in love with music again, with the creative process... everything that revolves around that.  Really inspiring me to write really evil lyrics." Regarding the sound of SANCTUARY's upcoming studio album,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, tentatively titled "The Year The Sun Died", Dane said,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, "This record is not going to sound like the other two.  It might sound very similar to the second one ('Into The Mirror Black').  It's definitely not going to sound like the first one,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, because we're all a little bit older and I can't come up with a c-clamp for a scrotum and a helium tank . . . It's not going to sound like the old ones... it's 2011.  It's still gonna be that good, I think, and there's gonna be high-pitched screaming.  I'm making sure of that.  With NEVERMORE, high-pitched screaming was never really called for.  You know, with SANCTUARY... of course it is."SANCTUARY played its first U.S. show in more than 20 years on January 21 at El Corazon in Seattle, Washington.

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