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Italian web site SpazioRock.it conducted an interview with STONE SOUR guitarist Josh Rand before the band's November 26,Ubaldo Jimenez Orioles Jersey, 2012 concert at Alcatraz,Shin-Soo Choo Rangers Jersey, in Milan, Italy. You can now watch the chat below.STONE SOUR's setlist for the Milan show was as follows:01. Gone Sovereign02. Absolute Zero 03. Mission Statement 04. Hell & Consequences 05. Orchids 06. Made of Scars 07. A Rumor of Skin 08. Reborn 09. Monolith 10. Blotter 11. RU486 12. Say You'll Haunt Me 13. Digital (Did You Tell) --------------------14. Nutshell (acoustic; ALICE IN CHAINS cover) 15. Bother (acoustic)16. Through Glass 17. 30/30-150Fan-filmed video footage can be seen below.STONE SOUR will release "House Of Gold & Bones - Part 2",Dustin Pedroia Red Sox Jersey, the second part of their two-album series,Kolten Wong Cardinals Jersey, "House of Gold & Bones", on April 9 via Roadrunner Records. The albums were recorded at Sound Farm Studios just outside of the band's native Des Moines, Iowa with producer David Bottrill (TOOL, MUSE) at the helm.The first single from "House Of Gold & Bones - Part 2", "Do Me A Favor",Willie Horton Orioles Jersey, will be available digitally on February 12; the video for "Do Me A Favor" will be directed by Phil Mucci, whose video for HIGH ON FIRE's "Fertile Green" was named best video of 2012 by Revolver. Singer Corey Taylor gave The Pulse Of Radio a preview of what to expect from the song. "It's quite aggressive, and actually the label asked me if I would go in and tame stuff down and I was like, 'No.' I'm not doing that,Anibal Sanchez Orioles Jersey," he said. "This is going out the way it is and I'm not gonna touch it up. I'm not gonna have people looking for a song that doesn't exist. This is the way it is on the album,R.A. Dickey Blue Jays Jersey, that's the way it's going to be when we put it out to radio."STONE SOUR is on tour in North America through February 17,Hanley Ramirez Red Sox Jersey, and will return in March for the Road To The Golden Gods tour, which will run through May 2.Taylor recently told Billboard.com recently that the group is planning a world tour in 2014 during which they will spend two nights in each city and perform both halves of its "House Of Gold & Bones" double album in their entirety.Interview:  Performance:

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