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Cheap NFL Jerseys "Opus Eponymous"









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發表於 2016-12-26 18:30:08 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Metal Injection was granted the first-ever video interview with the mysterious Swedish buzz band GHOST when the group performed at Webster Hall in New York City on June 1,Cheap Jerseys Authentic, 2011. The band discusses the message of its music,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the apocalypse,China Jerseys Authentic, getting the "thumbs up" from Fenriz of DARKTHRONE and more. The "ghouls" only agreed to do the interview if Metal Injection masked their voices to protect their anonymity. GHOST will embark on its first-ever North American tour this fall following the group's crowd-pleasing U.S. promotional performances in Baltimore (at the Maryland Deathfest) and New York City.  GHOST cult leader "The Ghoul With No Name" (rumored to be REPUGNANT/SUBVISION's Tobias Forge,Cheap NFL Jerseys, who takes the stage in the form of "a satanic pope") and his anonymous ghouls will team up with ENSLAVED and ALCEST for a three-week trek that will launch on September 23 in Springfield,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, Virginia.  GHOST will be touring in support of its debut album,Cheap Jerseys From China, "Opus Eponymous",Wholesale NFL Jerseys, which has been called "amazing" by Stereogum and "a primer on the creation of melodic hard rock" by The Big Takeover. GHOST floored music fans with its first U.S. shows and served notice that it is not only a "band to watch" but will be a force to be reckoned with for years to come.  In its live review of GHOST's New York City headlining show, the Village Voice called the group's performance "lurching and menacing", saying "GHOST's sound is like heavy metal trapped in a state of suspended animation since 1973."  A sneak peek at GHOST performing live can be viewed now as the band was captured on film by a recent attendee of the band's black mass.  Check out the band performing the song "Satan Prayer" as part of its May 29 headlining set at the 2011 Maryland Deathfest below.GHOST's "Opus Eponymous" is a daringly fascinating combination of satanic rock music merged with an almost unthinkable pop sensibility.  Enveloped in a shroud of mystery and standing anonymous beneath the painted faces, hoods and robes which their sect demand, the GHOST deliver litanies of pulsating heavy rock and stimulating lyrics which "glorify and glamorize the disgusting and sacrilegious."  The music and philosophies of GHOST specifically target "individuals who have a void in their life perhaps caused by some form of emotional trauma or upset" (research suggests these are most likely adolescents); this dearth can then be alluringly filled by GHOST's music and philosophies.           Click Here To Watch The Video

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