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發表於 2018-1-25 14:00:12 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Fareeza HaniffThe Management of the Mahaicony Rice Mills Limited (MRL) has given their commitment to the Ministry of Agriculture and the Guyana Rice Producers’ Association (GRPA) to pay outstanding sums of money owed to farmers.At a meeting held at the office of the Agriculture Minister with General Manager of the rice company, Taramatie Ghanie,NFL Jerseys China, Assistant Manager of Demerara Bank, Andre Lam and General Secretary of the GRPA, Dharamkumar Seeraj, Minister Robert Persaud said that he had a prior meeting with the top officials of the company where the commitment was made to pay the farmers.According to Minister Persaud,China Jerseys, the management of the company assured him that all outstanding payments to rice farmers for the first crop in 2009, will be paid almost immediately and steps will be taken to ensure that payments will be dealt with urgently.“What we have found based on reports from the farmers and even from representation by the RPA, is that there has been a delay in some of the payments to rice farmers, particularly in Regions 6 and 5, where we find that is where the bulk of the money is due. I am very concerned because as you know, our farmers have to undertake a lot of investments and resources, especially to go into the second crop,” Persaud told media operatives.At the previous meeting between Minister Persaud and MRL, the company assured that before the start of the harvesting in each of the regions, all of the outstanding amounts for the 2009 first crop would be settled.As such, the GRPA and the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) have been tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that the company honours its commitment.In March of this year,Wholesale Jerseys, this publication had reported that Mahaicony Rice Mills Limited owed over $600M to farmers.Kaieteur News understands that farmers in Essequibo, Region 2, will receive their money by the end of this week, while farmers in Regions 5 and 6 will be paid before the commencement of the crop period. At the same time, farmers in Region 4 have already received their money.According to the Agriculture Minister, approximately $200 million is outstanding to farmers for the first crop, while $17 million is due to farmers in Essequibo and $171 million to those in Berbice.However, he explained that farmers in Berbice are in the process of receiving some of the money owed to them by the milling company.Meanwhile, Minister Persaud said the management of the company explained that they were experiencing some operational issues at the time, but this has now been rectified as a new General Manager has been appointed to the company, namely Taramatie Ghanie.Mahaicony Rice Mills Limited now expects to have a better reputation in terms of payment made to farmers.“At the end of the day,NFL Jerseys Supply, we want our farmers to be treated fairly… we want also the millers too to be in a position to carry out their activities, and we do hope that these types of hiccups won’t be frequent, because they have the ability to stymie growth and development in the rice industry,” Persaud said.Additionally,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Seeraj said the rice industry cannot do without the operation of Mahaicony Rice Mills and taking this into consideration,Wholesale Soccer Jerseys, the GRPA have recognized that the company has been ‘running a little wild’ in the past.He reiterated that MRL has to operate within the regulations of the industry.“I think the company has recognized that we are very serious about addressing these issues… the rice industry is very close to the heart of the Guyanese people and we will not allow any single company to ride roughshod over the farmers themselves,” Seeraj said.He added if the milling company operates in a much more accountable and transparent manner, then regulations will not have to be framed, which might not be in the interest of a free market enterprise.It was also explained that if the company is to dishonour its commitment then there are measures in place within the regulation to penalize them.However, Minister Persaud said that these measures will be the last resort of the Ministry of Agriculture.He added that the Ministry is also in the process of drafting regulations to take to parliament, which will see each farmer being paid 95 per cent of their total transaction by the milling company.In the earlier amendment to the Rice Factories Act, the ministry had stated that the amount to be paid to farmers should be 95 per cent of payments.However,Cheap Jerseys From China, there still seems to be skullduggery taking place in this aspect and as such, the minister said there is the need for

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